Source South Asia 2008, Issue 11 (11 Nov 08)

Since its foundation in 1968, the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) has facilitated the sharing, promotion and use of knowledge so that governments, professionals and organisations can better support poor men, women and children in developing countries to obtain water and sanitation services they will use and maintain The Source Water and Sanitation News Service from IRC provides news in English, French and Spanish with an emphasis on rural and peri-urban areas in developing countries. The current Source South Asia Water & Sanitation News edition has a wide range of articles.

Some highlights are: Afghanistan: IOM helps provide clean water and sanitation for returnee communities: Bangladesh: workshop on water supply and sanitation services: Bhutan: communities clean up to honour new king: India: Bhopal law-suit on polluted drinking water reinstated: Gujarat: sweepers request permission for mass suicide: Nepal: Supreme Court orders government to tackle arsenic contamination in water: Philanthropy: ITT and Mercy Corps to provide safe water solutions after natural disasters: Water Governance Project: More articles regarding funding sources, current research, publications and much more are available in the current edition. Access here: Source South Asia Water & Sanitation News Archives: Source South Asia Water & Sanitation News

Post By: iwp