Workshop - Slippage of WASH Services: Causes, costs and how to counter

Image and Content Courtesy: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) Organised by: IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre and WASHCost Workshop objectives: * to quantify the scale and extent of the challenge of "slippage of WASH services"and to increase the understanding of the main causes * disseminating the results of the research and workshop, and scaling-up of good practices related to the WASH slippage challenge. The workshop will build upon the experiences in implementation and research programmes of both government and non-governmental organisations. Topics: * scale and extent of slippage; * costs of slippage or of certain aspects thereof; * impact of slippage on the MDGs; * definition and use of numbers in monitoring sustainability; * practical methods on addressing slippage. More information can be had here: Access here: First Announcement & Call for Abstracts Deadline for abstracts: 01 December 2008 Location: Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad, India Date: First week of March 2009
Post By: iwp