Relief report on the Bihar floods from the AID Eureka team, Chennai

This 8 page document states the approach made by the visiting team towards the disaster and the experiences of the workers on the ground. The report is detailed with covering the minutae of the relief work organized and implemented. It also takes a look at the final impact of the work on the beneficiaries. Also with a number of photographs & medical reports that illustrate the conditions and common ailments in the camps.

On 27th Dharmendar ji , Matt and Russel, both are teachers from American School of Bombay went to Saharsa block on 26th and on 27th they visted Madhepura, Kumarkhand Block. During their visit they were forced to cross a 2 km strech of river using 3 boats where there was 3 cuts on the road. The current of water flowing was very high and they got stumbled in a place, but fortunately they had a narrow escape. It then took a 3 k.m walk to reach the village. There are no chances of any vehicle reaching the point at all. Earlier the road which was 7ft is now cut and reduced to 3 ft. They then visiten the village Ragonia after walking for 3 more k.m. On the way the local people have built 2 bamboo bridges out of which one of the bridge has a strech of around 500m. The enitre people of one complete village is fully residing on the bank of river. More than 50 houses are lost in the water. They are still sitting on the bank and having a lot of problems. Khevatghama village was also flooded with water on 21st. Still water flowing on the road. When they visited they had to walk on the road till which had water around 1 feet.

Berpur, a village located at India Nepal border is missionary cum head quarter, is an island like situation where they stayed in between in a house which was surrounded with water. The situation currently there is unimaginable.The houses which are left over after the water got drained in the village didn't have walls with them which was carried away by water. Lisa, another colleague of Matt and Russel too joined with us. The climate is also getting bad day by day with chillness in the air getting increasing and the temperature dipping down.The official headquarter and offices are shifted from there temproarily as there are water which is surrounded in the entire village. The airport which is there is having water till 2.5 ft . Along with water there is also a lot of mud. The entire Aerodrome is with mud upto a height of 0.5 ft. The local people said that there were around 1000 dead bodies which were lying out there on 18th because of the electical failure. It's also said that the dead bodies were cleared from there and thrown in the river flowing in order to avoid problems.

3. We also visited Hanuman Nagar of Basantput. There are a few people who have joined hands with us and they gave two chairs to sit. The chair is 9 inches below the mud. All the houses there are damaged and their belongings and things are kept in open air. They got one thick tarpaulin sheet from somewhere which is of 12 ft and 15 ft in which they are sleeping right now. All the things are scattered. All the house have mud above which they have to sleep. The big cemented hourses just has pillars left out and all the other things were drained and now on a state to fall down. So all the people are on the roads without shelter.

Immediate needs

  • Tarpaulin sheet of flex-maximum as possible.
  • To avoid the chillness a winter kit. (with blankets, sweaters etc.,)
  • Need medicines and doctors for immediate health check up.
  • Candles for all the houses.

Access the full report here - Relief work - AID India’s Bihar Chapter report

Post By: iwp