Orissa: SRI learning alliance workshop - Lessons learned
Orissa: SRI learning alliance workshop - Lessons learned
EEDS develops light-weight concrete composite Ecosan pans!
EEDS has successfully developed various models of light weight concrete composites Ecosan pans with the support of UNICEF, New Delhi and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Sweden.
Source South Asia, Issue 12 (03 Dec 08)
Source South Asia, Issue 12 (03 Dec 08)
New initiative: "Odisha Mangrove Action Network"
New initiative: "Odisha Mangrove Action Network"
Ecosan calculations & urine as a fertilizer!
Advantages of using plant nutrient rich urine as fertilizer
Old wells at the Konark Sun Temple, Orissa
Old wells at the Konark Sun Temple, Orissa
ReliefWeb's field report on the Bihar flood situation
Relief Wed South Asia Program Director Nimmi Gowrinathan travelled to Bihar, India to survey the flood damage in the area.
Urine-diverting toilets - Posters
Posters on Urine Harvesting
Guava leaves, open wells, appropriate technology and all that
Guava leaves, open wells, appropriate technology and all that
Draft notification: "Regulatory Framework for Conservation of Wetlands", National Environment Policy (NEP), 2006
Draft notification: "Regulatory Framework for Conservation of Wetlands", National Environment Policy (NEP), 2006
Groundwater map of India & farmer suicides
Groundwater map of India & farmer suicides