Water bank - Video about a farmer-scientist's work on harvesting rainwater in drought-prone Ankoli village, Solapur, Maharashtra
This video describes farmer-scientist Arun Deshpande's work on conserving water, through a "Water Bank", in drought-prone Solapur district of Maharashtra.
Water should be taught as a special subject in schools and colleges
This article necessitates the importance of teaching about water management in school.
World Wetland Day 2010 Celebrations - Updates from ATREE
A report on the World Wetland day 2010 was celebrated by CERC-ATREE with a number of programmes.
Dug well recharge scheme (2007-08 to 2009-10) - Revised guidelines with amendments to the scheme by the Central Ground Water Board
The article is about the State sector scheme on artificial recharge to groundwater through dug-wells which is under implementation over the first three years of the (current) XI Plan Period.
Towards understanding the right to water and sanitation - A discussion paper by WaterAid India (2009)
This discussion paper from WaterAid India, examines the need and background of the right to water and sanitation (RTWS), in both the global context and in the Indian context.
Status of water supply and wastewater generation and treatment in Class-I cities and Class-II towns of India - A report by CPCB (2009)
This is the fourth in a decadal series of reports published by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), which provides basic information about the status of water supply and sewage generation.
The state of water, sanitation and solid waste management in Doddballapur town - A research report by SVARAJ (2009)
This research report by SVARAJ, is an attempt to assess the availability of basic civic amenities for the citizens of Doddaballapur, Bangalore.
Reverse osmosis plants for rural water treatment in Gujarat - A research paper by CAREWATER
This research paper attempts to understand and map the Reverse Osmosis (RO) phenomenon, a technology that is turning out to be an important solution for drinking water treatment in rural Gujarat.
The story of bottled water (2010): A film about how "manufactured demand" pushes what we don t need and destroys what we need most
"The Story of Bottled Water" is a7-minute animated film, that takes a provocative, humorous look at bottled water.
Towards real food security - We need more water than that presently being tapped
This article puts together significant data and analysis to prove that a solution is required to alleviate/eliminate hunger in India.
Organising safe drinking water through community participation in flood-affected areas of Bihar - Case studies from the work of the Megh Pyne Abhiyan network
This set of case studies details the work of Megh Pyne Abhiyan and their network partners in organising safe drinking water in participation with the local village communities, in Bihar.
Ramaswamy Joint Legislature Committee Report on the encroachment of lands in Bangalore Urban district (2006)
The report by Joint Legislature Committee on Encroachments in Bangalore Urban District,concludes that the various state bodies have failed to perform their duties to protect civic rights.
NREGA news updates collated by the Foundation for Ecological Security (16-31 Oct 2010)
Youth Cong protests over ''poor'' implementation of NREGA in J-K. This and more stories on the NREGA newsletter.
Barrages as a better alternative to Polavaram dam project
This discussion report suggests that barrages would be a better alternative to Polavaram Dam Project in Andhra Pradesh
Assessment of water and sanitation facilities of Madanpur Khadar in New Delhi - A research study
This research study done as part of the author's dissertation work is an attempt to assess the water and sanitation situation of a resettlement colony, Madanpur Khadar, on the outskirts of New Delhi.
Extent of social inclusion in the Government of Rajasthan's Integrated Fluorosis Mitigation Programme (RIFMP)
This paper presents and explores the efforts of the Government of Rajasthan, in tackling the problem of fluorosis and ensuring that it impacts all segments of the target population.
Achieving drinking water security through participatory IWRM approaches in Dhasan sub-basin - A case study by WaterAid and Haritika
This presentation describes the work of WaterAid and Haritika in organising drinking water security in Dhasan river sub-basin of Madhya Pradesh.
Environmental issues, law and technology An Indian perspective
This is document is an effort made by the authors who gather their experience and academic input from renowned universities of world.
Screenings/lectures/discussions - World Water Day 22nd/23rd March
The program details regarding the film screenings on the use and abuse of water on the occasion of World Water Day, on March 22nd & 23rd 2010 in Bangalore.
The wells brim with water in drought-prone Gujarat
This article documents the work of a peasant, Mr. Bhanjibhai Mathukiya, who constructed check dams to enable the well in Jungadh district brim with water.