Towards real food security - We need more water than that presently being tapped

'Towards REAL food ecurity for India!' puts together significant data and analysis to prove that a solution is required and is possible to alleviate/eliminate hunger in India with the largest number of hungry people in the world and for this we need to grow more food.

To do this, we need much more water than presently being tapped / harnessed / used and therfore, to implement schemes to impound water wasting into the Sea, is required sans futher delay.

There is no AGENDA more important than this for India! 

This is not a research paper, but an analysis at the macro level to cover the no-man's-land; the inextricable link between:

Grain production and Water. The problem is lucidly defined and solutions proposed are ‘implementable’.  Most Indians including the elite and the intelligentsia are indifferent to future planning as there is nothing in it for them, during their life time! Also our democratic Govt. is overly engaged in fire-fighting current situations and do a little bit of planning for tomorrow as a matter of absolute need! 

The mind set and the attitude of the Haves need drastic change to eleminate hunger and circumvent  social upheavals!  Our current economic strength is pseudo as we have one-third of all the people below poverty in the World. The government, wealthy and the intelligentia of India have a huge social and moral responsibility in this ominous scenario !

Experts on Food and Water have endorsed this article as being important to be seriously considered (by the powers that be).



N. Seshaadri Kumar B.E.,M.S(ISE), Ohio U, Member: Phi-Kappa-Phi Honor Society.

Director, Water and Food Equitable Distribution Organization (WEDO)

F-1 ‘Whispering Height’, 132 St. Mary’s road, Alwarpet, Chennai 600 018


Please see attached file and visit WWW.WEDO2050.ORG for more details.


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