Environmental issues, law and technology An Indian perspective

Due to emphasis on Environmental Education, the subject is being taught at all levels of education.  It is indeed pleasure to see technology students of all branches are being taught with the subject in first year.  The Environmental issues and law varies from country to country and is unique to India.  Understanding the issues does need lot of research and study material which students may not be able to gather due to shortage of time and resources.  Hence an effort is made by authors gathering there experience and academic input from renowned universities of world.

First author is ex-Chevening Scholar trained at The University of Mysore, IIT Madras, The Victoria University of Manchester, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute.  Co-author is currently pursuing PhD at Institute for Social and Economic Change.  Both of us are working in State Pollution Control Board in Karnataka interacting with various stake holders which includes complainants, students, entrepreneurs, doctors, NGOs, International agencies, other statutory agencies within India and abroad.

The interaction with solution exchange of UNDP has also helped to a great extent in designing of the book.  We will be very happy to receive comments from readers.



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