Water should be taught as a special subject in schools and colleges

Water is now the major issue of the globe but the chief concern is that we donn't have an enough remedy. The problem is huge & the solution is little. We are only dealing the post- issue not the pre- issue. In my opinion water problem is now has taken a way of earning money, attending seminar delivering lecturers & only to clap on the verbal argument. We are only acting as a deaf & dumb audience.The government is only preparing the plan as well as the  project but how many project has been completed is very well known to all of us.The academician who is in the area of water sector only delivering lecturers & only busy in attending the seminar They are only interested to earn their name & fame.The Government of the country concerned is giving the task to implement it but the bitter truth is that those Engineers who are working in this sector mainly civil engineer are not interested to fulfil the task. They are only interested to run the project as long as possible so that they can earn more profit. The N.G.O working in water sector is either helpless or donn't have such calibre to complete the task or failed to produced the desired results because the workers in that area is not well- qualified. Water should be taught as a special subject in every schools colleges & the universities,too.A group of eminent scholars shoud be introduced in this area who have a sharp knowledge of water & can give their time to educate not like university's professor.

Post By: uksagar