Achieving drinking water security through participatory IWRM approaches in Dhasan sub-basin - A case study by WaterAid and Haritika

This presentation describes the work of WaterAid and Haritika in organising drinking water security through Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) approaches, in Dhasan river sub-basin (part of Bharar river basin), Nowgon block, Chattarpur district of Madhya Pradesh.

The key activities taken up as part of the intervention include -

  • creating awareness amongst the community,
  • formation and strengthening of local institutions,
  • conducting participatory water need assessments,
  • identifying groundwater sources through geophysical and hydrological investigation,
  • ascertaining the ground water potential through pump test,
  • ascertaining quality of drinking water through bacteriological and hydro-chemical test,
  • implementation of hardware activities to create water supply facility with basic provision of household connection,
  • adopting integrated approach of drinking water and sanitation to minimize sanitation related risks,
  • supporting all the drinking water sources with source strengthening measures to ensure long term sustainability and,
  • setting up of observation wells to monitor the impact of recharge measures and water balance of basin.

Download the presentation here:


Post By: ashis