Country to have normal monsoon this year - PIB release
The country will have normal monsoon this year. There is very low probability for season rainfall to be deficient (below 90% of LPA) or excess (above 110% of LPA).
Energy from Water
What is the chain of technology development and delivery that enables small scale decentralised electrification of unelectrified rural areas?
An assessment of crop water productivity in the Indus and Ganges river basins: Current status and scope for improvement – A research report by IWMI
This paper presents a new approach for analysis of water productivity of rice and wheat in the Indus and the Ganges river basins
Traditional fishing techniques of tribes in Bastar region of Chhattisgarh – A paper in the Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
This paper presents the wealth of knowledge available to tribals in the Bastar region of Chhattisgarh on traditional fishing techniques.
Guidance manual for drinking water quality monitoring and assessment - A document by NEERI and NICD
Drinking water must meet Quality! Safeguarding the health of People.
Drinking water quality monitoring and development of surveillance mechanisms - A pilot study done by NEERI in New Delhi
The guidelines on drinking water quality aim to protect public health and ensure this is through the adoption of Water Safety Plans
Water safety plan: A manual for pilot study areas of Hyderabad
The aim of this manual is to facilitate development of Water Safety Plans focusing particularly on organized water supplies managed by a water utility.
Guidelines for water safety plans for rural water supply systems - A document by SIAES and WHO India (2009)
Delivery of safe drinking water is vital for protecting public health and of promoting more secure livelihoods.
Application of Composite Correction Program for improvement in efficiency of water treatment plants - A WHO paper
Safe drinking water, sanitation, water purification, secured supply, are all unchecked on goals' checklist; emphasizing on the need of intricate tools and plans and their implementation.
Assessing acute Gastroenteritis risks associated with water quality and sanitation in Hyderabad city - A paper by the Institute of Health Systems (IHS)
The quality of drinking water is a vital element of public health and well-being. The most effective means of consistently ensuring the safety of a drinking-water supply is through the use of a comprehensive risk assessment and risk management approach that encompasses all steps in water supply from catchment to consumer.
Resistance against the Polavaram dam - An EPW article
Displacement of the tribal population caused by the Polavaram dam under construction on the Godavari river in Andhra has led to substantial number of protests in recent years
Water and wastewater treatment plants - A profile of Dayal Construction Company
We are a joint venture technology driven emerging company in the field of construction and water & wastewater treatment.
Interventions that make agriculture sustainably high-yielding, eco-friendly and empower small-holder farmers - A research paper (2009)
This paper discusses agricultural techniques that rely on non-chemical methods that enhance crop productivity.
Comparing conventional and organic farming crop production systems - Inputs, minimal treatments and data needs - A research paper
The researchers here discuss the experiences gained from this experiment and those gathered from organic farmers.
Comparing soil properties of farmers’ fields growing rice through SRI and conventional methods - A research paper
The paper compares System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and conventional method of rice cultivation on various parameters.
The effects of agricultural water and landholdings to rural livelihoods in Indo-Gangetic basin – Research analysis by IWMI and ICAR with an emphasis on Bihar
Water use and landholding factors are widely acknowledged as major determinants of agricultural development and hence rural wealth in IGB basin and Bihar.
Vedanta’s red mud pond leaks into Vamsadhara river, Lanjigarh, Orissa - A Down To Earth report
Reports from Lanjigarh say a crack in the western part of the red mud pond of Vedanta Alumina refinery has leaked into the Vamsadhara river.
Dam cost Rs. 1 crore but village in Dantewada, Chattisgarh depends on dying hand pump ! - An audio update from CGNet Swara
Yashwant Ramteke from Dantewada says as the summer is just arriving the water problem is again becoming severe.