Varunyantra to tap skywater: A Bhagirath effort
Skywater is the water in form of water vapor and droplets floating in the atmosphere in form of clouds.
Cloud seeding for India - An effective weapon to fight drought , saysProf. Shivaji Rao
The key role played by a good water supply as an engine of economic growth and national prosperity has been well recognized by the developed countries.
Groundwater management in Andhra Pradesh - Time to address real issues – A report by Institute for Resource Analysis and Policy
This report by Institute for Resource Analysis and Policy attempts to address issues related to groundwater management in Andhra Pradesh.
Bioremediation, its applications to contaminated sites in India - A state of the art report by Ministry of Environment and Forests
This report by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) deals with the applications of bioremediation to contaminated sites in India.
The real picture of arsenic pollution in West Bengal, India
I visited three arsenic affected districts of West Bengal while making a documentary on arsenic pollution in drinking water in West Bengal.
Groundwater scenario in major cities of India – A report by Central Ground Water Board
This report presents the groundwater scenario in twenty eight major cities of the country based on a consolidation of the urban studies carried out by it.
Agencies monitoring groundwater level in various parts of India in 2011 A list by the Central Ground Water Board
The Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) has recently come up with a list of agencies monitoring groundwater level in various parts of the country.
Sekhar Raghavan speaks about saving our water
Talk by Sekhar Raghavan, Rain Centre, at the Rotary Club of Madras South weekly meeting on 26 April 2011 on rainwater harvesting and ecological sanitation
Water quality in Penukonda region of Anantapur district - A field report by Arghyam
A team from Arghyam recently visited an NGO called SEDS - Social Education and Development Society in the district of Anantpur, Andhra Pradesh.
Ecologically sound, economically viable community managed sustainable agriculture in Andhra Pradesh – A report by Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty and World Bank
The learning note describes CMSA program and its approach, the institutional model supporting it and the implementation process.
Hydrological and farming system impacts of agricultural water management interventions for sustainable groundwater use in North Gujarat - A paper by Institute for Resource Analysis and Policy
Under this project an estimated area of 73,000 acres of irrigated land is currently under minor irrigation systems including drips and sprinklers.
Pampered views and parrot talks – In the cause of well irrigation in India – A paper by Institute for Resource Analysis and Policy
This article by the Institute for Resource Analysis and Policy reveals some of the fallacies in Indian irrigation most important being that well irrigation is superior to canal irrigation.
Jalyatra: Exploring India's traditional water management systems
Jalyatra places water resources in the local environmental and social context.
Estimation of groundwater resources in Andhra Pradesh - A report by the State Groundwater Department - GoAP (2002)
This report by the State Groundwater Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh presents an estimation of the State’s groundwater resources.
Gujarat’s agricultural growth story: Reality check and important lessons for water management – A paper by Institute for Resource Analysis and Policy
This paper attempts a reality check on the ‘miracle growth’ in Gujarat’s agricultural production by looking at the gross value of the outputs from agriculture
Future water solutions for India - a paper by Himanshu Thakkar in the Palgrave Development journal
India has a large number of technological, management and institutional options. What is needed is the political will to put systems into place to make it happen
Honeysuckers - How Bangalore's sewage is managed - A film by Gautam Vishwanath and Celine Thizy
Bangalore generates 720 million liters of sewage everyday. How is it managed? This is a story of the honeysuckers.
The Karnataka town and country planning and certain other laws (Amendment) bill - Karnataka Legislative Assembly
This document by the Karnataka Legislative Assembly describes the Karnataka Town and Country Planning and Certain Other Laws Bill, 2004.
Sustainable urban water supply in south India : Desalination, efficiency improvement, or rainwater harvesting?
The authors propose a framework that makes it possible to evaluate a wider range of centralized and decentralized policies for urban water supply than previously considered.
A hydrologic-economic modeling approach for analysis of urban water supply dynamics in Chennai, India
In this paper, we discuss a challenging water resources problem in a developing world city, Chennai India.