Development and urbanisation have already put pressure on groundwater resources in the fragile Himalayan region. So, what is the current status of groundwater resources of this unique region?
Reduced migration, better hygiene practices and access to information on govt. schemes were only some of the achievements of villages in Rapar, Gujarat. The videos tell the full story.
Mountain dwellers across India are learning hydrogeology in a bid to save their dying springs. In the process, they are also revolutionizing their lives.
The science behind Mazhapolima is perhaps best suited for Kerala’s context but it has truly created opportunities for people to participate in a movement. Here's a look at how it has worked there.
A study conducted in a village in Kozhikode district of Kerala highlights the need for standards while locating wells to prevent groundwater contamination.
Three CGWB reports paint a detailed picture of the groundwater situation in the country. Does the water level continue to decline or has it risen in some areas?
Rainwater harvesting is a cost effective solution to bridge the gap between water availability and demand. Jodhpur and Goa, areas with low and high rainfall, have shown how.