Budget 'asks' for food and nutrition security
With the budget round the corner what are the asks from the standpoint of food sovereignty? A Convention on Budget 2015-16 by the Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability looks at these.
Children at an anganwadi centre at Mysore
Empowered TN fisherfolk challenge urbanisation
Should a fishing hamlet be lost to an elevated Beach Expressway? No!, say the fisherfolk of Olcott and Odai Kuppam who claim their rights over coastal commons using community self-mapping.
Fishermen launching their boat into the sea
A way to minimise agricultural problems in India
The concepts of System of Rice Intensification help farmers adopt practices based on their local conditions. Farmers, and an SRI expert in Chhattisgarh, show how it has worked for them.
SRI beneficiaries in Ambikapur
Small farming needs a budget boost
The asks of the Agriculture sector are many but what all must the budget focus on? A National Convention on Budget 2015-16 by the Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability looks at these.
Farmer in Palamau; Image: VSK, Palamau
Lake Alive: The Puttenahalli Kere Habba 2015
This event in Bangalore brought together children, people, photographers and cartoonists -- all for the love of their lake!
Pied kingfishers squabbling for the catch
Family farming as an alternative to tackle hunger and poverty
With multiple advantages over corporate farming, family farming can play an important role in achieving food security through sustainable agricultural practices.
A farmer couple ploughing their fields
Climate change threatens Indian mangroves
Increase in temperatures, carbon dioxide concentration, rise in sea levels and extreme weather events like cyclones and droughts, are predicted to have deleterious effects on Indian mangroves.
Sundarban mangrove (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
The pond with a purpose
The residents of Gobariya village built two ponds for livestock rearing and horticulture, but a chance discovery led to them becoming a quicker and better income generator.
Celebrating the pond at Gobaria