Don't just hide waste!
Sanitation programmes use the construction and use of toilets as basic indicators that equate sanitation. Does this approach compound the problem rather than reduce it?
A wastepicker in a sea of garbage
Constructed wetlands as a cost effective cleaning option
Water treated using constructed wetlands before being used for irrigation can be a suitable and cost effective option to prevent possible human health risks
Musi river (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Drought and the desert: They don't go hand in hand here
With its low rainfall, western Rajasthan might seem like a prime candidate for drought, but the combination of old age wisdom and new age techniques have helped Barmer access fresh water continuously.
Beris serve both people and their livestock.
Mining Bill passed in Rajya Sabha
Policy matters this week
Inside Dalli Rajarah mines
Punjab's groundwater crisis: A bye product of the govt's short sighted policies?
As long as electricity is improperly priced and farmers get the MSP for rice, they will not take up maize cultivation. This will lead to further deterioration of groundwater.
Farmer in Punjab (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Cursed by greed: The Falgu river
The Falgu river, supposedly cursed by Sita to run below the ground, is today threatened by encroachment and pollution. Can she be saved by her defenders?
People gather around a chua in the Falgu