Age-old grinder in Himachal Pradesh goes out of style
Waterwheels or 'gharats' have ground wheat since the 7th century, but are now dying a slow death. Our pictures capture this environmentally friendly technology, and those who still persist with it.
A 'gharat' in Himachal Pradesh that uses water power to grind grains
Renovation insulates pond from its devotees
Rinmochan pond in the famous Kurukshetra area has become an impersonal spectator to human life rather than a benevolent host to devotees seeking salvation in its waters.
Children look for water snakes in the pond
Abandoned dams; abandoned people
The National Green Tribunal allowed the ongoing construction on the Kanhar dam to continue despite its many illegalities. Four people who know the situation best explain why we should be disappointed.
We don't want dams, dams destroy  mountains' reads a slogan painted on a wall in Uttarakhand (Image Source: GJ Lingaraj)
Kanhar: To be or not to be?
The May 7th Kanhar judgement by the National Green Tribunal validated the protesters' claims, but then also allowed the Government to 'complete earlier work'. Isn't the NGT contradicting itself?
A destroyed tent after the lathi charge
Jakkur Lake: a potential model for urban water sustainability
With all the disappointing stories of Bangalore’s disappearing lakes, Jakkur Lake is a shining example of how urban water can be managed sustainably.
Jakkur Lake brims in the monsoon. Photo courtesy S. Vishwanath
Standing Committee Report: Safe drinking water and sanitation
The report is scathing and points at many gaps in the planning and implementing process of the National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) & the Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) SBM (G) programmes.
Safe drinking water, a scarce resource