Call for technical papers for the 6th South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN), Dhaka, Bangladesh

The theme for the 2016 South Asian Conference on Sanitation is 'Better sanitation, better life'

SACOSAN is a sanitation-centred biennial convention led by the governments of SAARC nations. South Asian countries namely, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are the participating countries. The idea is to use this as a platform to develop a regional agenda on sanitation and accelerate sanitation and hygiene romotion across the region. 

The 6th SACOSAN will be hosted by Bangladesh the coming year between January 11 and 13, 2016. The SACOSAN – VI Secretariat invites professionals to submit technical papers to be considered for presentation at the technical sessions. Eight thematic technical sessions are planned with each country in charge of one of the following themes:

  • Hygiene promotion - Afghanistan
  • Urban sanitation - Bangladesh
  • Gender, equity and right - Bhutan
  • R&D and innovation - India
  • Financing of sanitation and international co-operation - Maldives
  • WASH in instotutions and ublic spaces - Nepal
  • Climate change and sanitation - Pakistan
  • Sanitation for hard to reach areas - Srilanka
The lead country will review and select the four best entries to prepare the final presentation.
Summaries of technical papers of the above eight themes from professionals should reach the focal person in India, Dr. D.S.Shyni by May 25th, 2015. Papers may be mailed to for onward submission to the respective country by the submission deadline which is May 31st, 2015. 
For more information, dowload the SACOSAN-VI brochure listed as an attachment below.
Dates to remember
  • Deadline for submission of technical paper summaries to the focal person in India - May 25, 2015
  • Deadline for submission of technical paper summaries to the SACOSAN Secretariat - May 31, 2015
  • Deadline for submission of final paper and presentation - October 31, 2015
  • Convention dates - January 11-13, 2016
Post By: iwpsuperadmin