
When Osaka comes to Lucknow
The UP government is on a mission to replicate Osaka's riverfront in Lucknow. This spells doom for the families dependent on the Gomti for sustenance. chicu posted 7 years 9 months ago
Earth movers cluster on the riverbed of the Gomti, engaged in channelizing the river
Farakka faces a barrage of criticism
The Farakka barrage is an ageing symbol of our need to control rivers and our inability to do so. Can we do away with it? chicu posted 7 years 10 months ago
The lower Ganga, just upstream of Farakka, displays bank-cutting and erosion.
Honestly, not the best policy changes
Changes have been proposed to existing environmental laws. We look at three such policy changes that could affect the ecosystem and local communities negatively. chicu posted 7 years 10 months ago
An earthmover submerged downstream of the Srinagar Hydroelectric project, Uttarakhand. By permitting contractors to begin construction on a project before the EIA is approved, the government is enabling disasters in the future.
Knowing Kamla’s sorrow could control Bihar floods
The floodplains of Bihar have an excellent natural flood control and irrigation system in place. Why is the government ignoring it at the cost of lives and livelihoods? chicu posted 8 years ago
A young girl leads her buffaloes in search of water
Sailing the ocean to save marine life
Our oceans are facing a bleak future. Captain Siddharth Chakravarty speaks about his work in controlling poaching, pollution and other criminal activities at sea chicu posted 8 years 1 month ago
Captain Siddharth Chakravarty with the illegal driftnets confiscated by Sea Shepherd during Operation Driftnet (Photo source: Sea Shepherd)
Collateral damage: Buffalo herders and privatisation of water
Livestock herders are the unreported victims of unpredictable rainfall, denied access to existing sources of water, and xenophobia. India Water Portal speaks to one such set of refugees. chicu posted 8 years 1 month ago
Buffaloes huddle  in the meagre shade offered by roadside trees in their search for water
"SWM-ing" against the tide
While solid waste management is largely ignored by Panchayats and citizens, Goa manages to go against this trend. How does it do this? chicu posted 8 years 1 month ago
A roadside wetland remains a biodiversity haven instead of being clogged with trash in Vernem,Goa
Letting rivers flow in Nepal
Nepal, like India, is just learning of environmental flow releases. Dr.Hari Shrestha speaks of the efforts being made to increase awareness about healthy rivers in the country chicu posted 8 years 3 months ago
Prof. Hari Shreshta works towards creating awareness about environmental flows in Nepal
Think livelihoods, not only jobs
Parineeta Dandekar of SANDRP speaks to India Water Portal about how healthy rivers--and not dams--are the best employment guarantees around. chicu posted 8 years 3 months ago
Two men fish from a small rowboat on the placid Ramganga near Harewali
One river, two names and a 14-year-long dispute
Goa and Karnataka have been fighting over the Mhadei since 2002. How does this affect the extensive cooperation expected from the states for the interlinking plan? chicu posted 8 years 3 months ago
The serene Mandovi is the focus of a bitter dispute between Karnataka and Goa
Unnatural world: National parks and climate change
Poachers, citizens and sometimes animals themselves are threats to the parks but the biggest new threat is climate change. Do our national parks stand a chance of surviving it? chicu posted 8 years 5 months ago
A herd of elephants cross the Ramganga river at Corbett National Park
The Last Builder of Naulas in Chatola, Nainital
Constructing naulas, the small structures that house springs in Uttarakhand, requires an intimate knowledge of many sciences. One of the last practitioners of this dying craft tells his story. chicu posted 8 years 6 months ago
Ratan Singh Bisht is one of the few people today who constructs naulas
Springs are more than just a source of water for humans
Springs exist in the most biodiverse regions of the country and anchor entire ecosystems. That fact must be respected while undertaking springs conservation work. chicu posted 8 years 7 months ago
Springs not only provide humans with water but anchor entire ecosystems.
Sunny balconies and hanging gardens in Goa
Terrace kitchen gardens are slowly making their mark in the tourist hotspot. A couple helps those interested in organic farming either find good farmers or become one themselves! chicu posted 8 years 7 months ago
Karan and Yogita at a workshop on organic container kitchen gardening
India, China, and the fight over 'rights' to the Brahmaputra
China's Zangmu dam has created an uproar in the Indian media. Here's why we should be more concerned about what India is doing. chicu posted 8 years 7 months ago
This sketch shows the Brahmaputra's many identities in its course from Tibet to the Bay of Bengal.
Community conservation of forests is successful when women participate
Van Panchayats have only been successful in conserving their forests with the enthusiastic participation of women. This is how to increase women's leadership in forest conservation. chicu posted 8 years 8 months ago
These two neighbouring oak trees, one untouched and the other over-lopped, are both managed by the women of one family and illustrate the impact that women have on forests
Respect tribal goverments; conserve forests
Tribal governments can manage village natural resources better than elected Panchayats. Jarjum Ete, President of the All India Union of Forest Working People, explains why. chicu posted 8 years 8 months ago
Arunachal's tribes have a tradition of managing their natural resources (Source:Wikimedia Commons)
Catch them young: Treating children affected by fluorosis
Why is fluorosis more toxic for children? What is the link between fluoride and calcium deficiency? These questions and more answered. chicu posted 8 years 9 months ago
Several young children in Jhabua suffer from skeletal fluorosis (Source: INREM Foundation)
From suspecting black magic to diagnosing fluorosis: Madhya Pradesh's struggle
Fluorosis was first discovered in Madhya Pradesh in 1997. Since then half the state has been affected. The people involved in combating the spread of this disease in the state share their story. chicu posted 8 years 9 months ago
The use of borewells in fluoride-affected areas, such as this one in Dhar, is one of the primary reasons for fluorosis. (Source: Chicu Lokgariwar)
Dengue for dummies
Dengue epidemics are escalating in India. Here's (mostly) everything that you need to know. chicu posted 8 years 9 months ago
Wanted for murder: The Aedes aegypti mosquito the primary vector for Dengue (Source: James Gathany [Public domain], Wikimedia Commons)