
Engineer, activist, Mahant, 'Hero of the Planet' Veer Bhadra Mishra is no more
Prof Veer Bhadra Mishra passed away on Wednesday, 13 March at the age of 75. India Water Portal salutes a true crusader for our rivers chicu posted 11 years 4 months ago
How do groundwater irrigation and energy supply influence each other ? - Talks from the IWMI-Tata Annual Partners' Meet held at Anand in November 2012
This article presents videos of related talks, short descriptions of each video and links to background papers from the IWMI-Tata Annual Partners' Meet in 2012. chicu posted 11 years 4 months ago
An assessment of the impact of MGNREGA on rural water security : Talks from the IWMI-Tata Annual Partners' Meet held at Anand in November 2012
In this article, we look at the efficacy of this programme at providing water security. This article is based on discussions at the IWMI-Tata Annual Partners' Meet in 2012. chicu posted 11 years 4 months ago
Some strategies for managing groundwater by Aditi Mukherji, IWMI
Groundwater is essential for India's agricutural economy. In her blog 'Waterscapes', Aditi Mukherji discusses the need for regional strategies to manage groundwater economy. chicu posted 11 years 5 months ago
Influence of anthropogenic contamination on fluoride concentration in groundwater: A study of Mulbagal town, Kolar district, Karnataka
Groundwater contamination is a serious, but relatively ignored issue in the country. This contamination occurs in either through geogenic or anthropogenic means. This paper analyses the Fluoride contamination, one such example of geogenic contamination, widely found in the Kolar district of Karnataka. chicu posted 11 years 5 months ago
Book review: Governing international watercourses by Susanne Schmeier
This article presents a review of the book 'Governing international watercourses' by Susanne Schmeier - a book that has been called 'a stunning piece of work' by Aaron T. Wolf. The author examines the river basin organisation as a key institution for managing international watercourses. The book follows a three-part structure of developing theory, refining it, and then discussing three case studies. By emphasizing that more trans-boundary events are focused on cooperation rather than on conflict- with a far smaller percentage being violent conflict - it carries a message of hope. chicu posted 11 years 5 months ago
A toilet that loves the environment: A film by the Himalaya Seva Sangh highlighting Uttarakhand's experience with eco-san toilets
This article describes a short film 'Parisar Snehi Shauchalaya' produced by the Himalaya Seva Sangh. This film describes the HSS' experiences with constructing and promoting eco-san toilets in the Pauri-Garhwal region of Uttarakhand. chicu posted 11 years 5 months ago
Understanding how to predict where the next landslide will happen in Sikkim - An analysis using the status report for initiating landslide studies by the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology
A status report that documents information regarding status of landslides in Sikkim and presents recommendations for preparing action plan for landslide studies. chicu posted 11 years 5 months ago
Just how large is MGNREGA: Making sense of the numbers
The lyrically named MGNREGA is India's flagship programme and the worlds largest employment guarantee scheme. No doubt, other superlatives can also be added to it. But just how large is India's top flagship programme? This article tries to understand the numbers. chicu posted 11 years 5 months ago
Let's talk about soil: A short educational movie by the Global Soil Partnership
Often ignored, soil is quite literally the foundation of our existence. However, soils are now threatened by a variety of factors including deforestation, improper cultivation and urbanization. The Global Soil Partnership is working to bring some focus to this neglected area. This article presents a short animated film produced by the partnership. chicu posted 11 years 6 months ago
Impact of pit-toilet leachate on groundwater chemistry and role of vadose zone in removal of nitrate and E. coli pollutants in Kolar District, Karnataka, India
Impact of pit-toilet leachate on groundwater chemistry and role of vadose zone in removal of nitrate and E. coli pollutants in Kolar District, Karnataka, India chicu posted 11 years 6 months ago
Join Matri Sadan in their fight to save the Ganga from indiscriminate mining!
A corrupt State, police, and mining mafia- these are the opponents that the members of Matri Sadan face as they struggle to save the Ganga. 'The saints of Matri Sadan' is a short film that documents this struggle. chicu posted 11 years 6 months ago
The risks of increased water efficiency requirements: The carbon disclosure project global water report 2012
This article presents the 2012 report of the CDP water disclosure project initiated by global financial institutions. The project sought to help industries identify water related risks and ideally, work cooperatively to address them. chicu posted 11 years 6 months ago
Don't cut my oak trees: A film on afforestation in Uttarakhand by the Himalaya Seva Sangh
"Don't cut my oak trees, they give me water"."We get cool air from them, we get cool water".
"Don't cut my oak trees, they give me water".

So goes the plaintive title song of this short movie. Produced by the Himalaya Seva Sangh, the film on afforestation relies heavily on interviews with Dr.Shekhar Pathak of PAHAR and self-help group members from Mukteshwar, Sunadi, and Indwal.
chicu posted 11 years 6 months ago
Conservation across landscapes: A study of the various mechanisms of biodiversity conservation in India
With the increasing threats to our landscapes, biodiversity management can no longer afford to be part of a polarized 'yes or no' argument. Instead,it is vital to seek out and implement a bouquet of negotiated approaches. The diversity of India's landscapes as well as conservation approaches make it a valuable learning tool. This report presents some of these approaches chicu posted 11 years 6 months ago
Seeking Sanctuary: a TEDxASB talk by Bittu Sahgal, editor of Sanctuary Asia
Bittu Sahgal, editor of Sanctuary Asia motivates students-the inheritors of this carbon-wounded Earth- at TEDxASB organised at the American School of Bombay in April 2012. His message is simple- conservation is necessary for our survival; the children of today need to remind decision makers that it is tomorrow's planet that they are ruining. chicu posted 11 years 7 months ago
Making the connector the water connection: a TEDx talk on m.paani by Akanksha Hazari
m.paani is an innovative concept that capitalises on the fact that otherwise under-served communities still possess mobile phones. Using a loyalty program, m.paani seeks to secure water and sanitation services for these communities. In this TEDx talk, Akanksha Hazari explains the concept. chicu posted 11 years 7 months ago
The APWELL Project: Andhra Pradesh's experience with participatory hydrological monitoring
The APWELL project sought to improve agricultural production through controlled groundwater exploitation by the means of nearly 3,500 wells and irrigation systems. The project acknowledged the risk of over-exploitation of groundwater.Part of the solution was to only permit wells in areas that were not already over-exploited. Recharge of groundwater and increasing irrigation efficiency were also implemented. chicu posted 11 years 7 months ago