Amita Bhaduri

Machhu dam disaster of 1979 in Gujarat – Discussion on a book by Tom Wooten and Utpal Sandesara
This article by Amita Bhaduri describes the details of the discussion organised on a new book that spectacularly reconstructs the 1979 Machhu dam disaster in Gujarat Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 10 months ago
Conservation at crossroads – Science, society and the future of India’s wildlife – A talk by Ghazala Shahabuddin
This article by Amita Bhaduri describes Ghazala Shahabuddin’s recent talk on the malaise underlying India’s dominant conservation paradigm Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 10 months ago
Arsenic content in ground and canal waters of Punjab – A paper by Punjab Agricultural University
Arsenic in drinking water can impact human health and is considered to be one of the prominent environmental causes of cancer mortality in the world Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 10 months ago
Water scarcity in Delhi – Soaring demand or mismanagement – Panel discussion organized by Toxics Link and IIC, Delhi, August 7, 2012
Amita Bhaduri reports on a lively debate organized by Toxics Link and India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi on the topic of water scarcity in Delhi Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 10 months ago
"Living with floods" – A film by Sanjay Barnela and Samreen Farooqui, about Nav Jagriti's work with farmers in flood-affected Saran district in North Bihar
This award-winning documentary takes a look at the serious situation created by the North Bihar region's rivers bursting their banks almost every year Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 10 months ago
Failing the grade - Cities across India are ignoring the informal recycling sector, says a report by Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group
No city in India has recognized the role of informal sector in recycling waste and that waste itself can be a tool to alleviate poverty, argues this report Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 11 months ago
Beating a rope thinking that it is a snake, is futile - Why evict people from their habitat, their own ecosystems
This documentary and article highlights the issue of displacement among the tribal communities in Maharashtra and questions the rationale for eviction of forest dwellers from their own ecosystems Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 11 months ago
Dream to get adequate drinking water for Dewas town, still remains a dream
This article by Makarand Purohit sheds light on the acute water scarcity experienced by Dewas, an industrial township in Madhya Pradesh Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 11 months ago
Supreme Court’s Order on Tiger Reserve Buffers encourages illegalities - A press release by Future of Conservation Network
The interim order of the Supreme Court on the matter of tourism in core areas of Tiger Reserves, has created a situation of serious illegalities Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 11 months ago
Living rivers, dying rivers: Rivers of Gujarat
The ninth lecture in the series titled "Living rivers, dying rivers" was on the rivers of Gujarat, their many variations and contradictions, by Himanshu Thakkar, (SANDRP). Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 11 months ago
Sabarmati riverfront (Source: Wikipedia)
Living rivers, dying rivers: River Godavari
The tenth lecture in the series titled 'Living rivers, dying rivers' was on the rivers of Andhra Pradesh, by R Uma Maheshwari, a historian and freelance journalist. Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 11 months ago
Godavari river (Source: Wikepedia)
Is mitigation of climate change in agriculture necessary ? - A lecture by Dr Eva Wollenberg, CCAFS at IARI, New Delhi
This article by Amita Bhaduri provides the details of a lecture by Dr. Eva ‘Lini’ Wollenberg, on climate change mitigation and its relevance for the agricultural sector Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 11 months ago
Role of thermal power plants and coal mining in local area development and addressing regional imbalance - Note by Prayas to Government of Maharashtra
This report highlights the large number of clearances accorded to thermal power plants in the country and their implications for the environment Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 11 months ago
Share powers with panchayats in Jammu and Kashmir
This article describes the efforts made in Jammu and Kashmir to reintroduce the panchayat system Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 11 months ago
Why don't Jarawas of the Andaman Islands have a say in development ? An article from Charkha Development Network
This article discusses the amendments made in the Protection of aboriginal tribes regulation, 1956 and questions its implications for the role of the Jarawas in development Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 11 months ago
No-till farming in Madhya Pradesh could be the answer to global hunger - An article from Charkha Development Network
The article talks about the harmful effects of pesticides and narrates the story of a natural farm in Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 11 months ago
CDM Watch Network India invites comments for latest projects applying for Clean Development Mechanism crediting in India
CDM Watch Network has mobilized thousands of projects and invites comments for latest projects applying for Clean Development Mechanism crediting in India Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 11 months ago
Strengthen participatory urban governance to prevent pollution in Ganga at Kanpur and recognise the need to look for decentralized solutions
This article describes the proceedings of the one day Area Water Partnership Conference held on 22nd July, 2012 Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 11 months ago
Activists call for disbanding the inter ministerial group on issues related to river Ganga
A group of activists have urged that the Inter Ministerial Group on issues related to river Ganga be disbanded Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 11 months ago
"Eco-sustainable agriculture and rural livelihood" - Natural farming and environment festival organised by Kheti Virasat Mission at Bathinda, Punjab in May 2012
This article by Amita Bhaduri highlights the proceedings of the Natural Farming and Environment Festival by Kheti Virasat Mission held at Bathinda, Punjab Amita Bhaduri posted 11 years 11 months ago