CDM Watch Network India invites comments for latest projects applying for Clean Development Mechanism crediting in India

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has mobilized thousands of projects in the last few years but has at the same time set off serious concerns about the environmental integrity of its projects and its genuine contribution to sustainable development. CDM Watch works on strengthening transparency regarding CDM, which is a complex instrument right now with limited opportunities for stakeholder input. One key task for improving project quality and preventing negative impacts is therefore to include local communities concerned by CDM projects.

On this basis, CDM Watch collaborates with NGOs and local communities in CDM host countries that are directly affected by CDM projects. CDM Watch India provides an independent perspective on CDM projects, methodologies and the work of the CDM Executive Board, which is supervising the CDM.  The ultimate goal is to help assure that the current CDM, as well as a reformed mechanism post-2012, effectively results in emission reductions that are real, measurable, permanent, independently verified, and that contribute to sustainable development in CDM host countries.

CDM Watch issues regular newsletters focusing on the environmental integrity of CDM projects and contribution to sustainable development. Supported by a growing network of NGOs, CDM Watch’s activities include –

  • Drawing attention to clearly non-additional or harmful projects
  • Providing information and guiding local stakeholders to influence CDM projects
  • Advising potential buyers not to purchase CERs from harmful or non-additional projects
  • Engaging in the CDM policy framework

CDM Watch Network India provides digested project information updates as an effective awareness tool to any individuals and organisations of projects applying for CDM crediting in their country. It strongly encourages you to prepare and submit concerns you might have about a project. This is an effective way to publicly raise unaddressed issues and facts.

All the projects below are on renewable energy. The period for comments are indicated below -

Please note that the deadline for the submission of public comments is 24h GMT and that comments have to be submitted in English through the online system to be valid. Please contact CDM Watch India if you have any questions or would like assistance in writing and submitting your comments. You can find guidelines on how to write and submit comment in the CDM toolkit
CDM Watch has brought out the first edition of its brand new NGO Newsletter. 'Watch This! NGO Voices on the CDM' will appear quarterly in English, Spanish and Hindi with campaign updates and opinion pieces from around the world. Please find the newsletter in English and Hindi below -
Post By: Amita Bhaduri