Amita Bhaduri

Alternative National Water Policy by Ramaswamy R Iyer - Comments by Rahul Banerjee
Rahul Banerjee comments on Ramaswamy Iyer's draft a National Water Policy. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 6 months ago
National Alliance for People s Movements condemns arrest and harassment of anti-dam protesters in Assam
NAPM demands scrapping of big dams in Brahmaputra River Valley. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 6 months ago
Life, livelihoods, ecosystems, culture: Entitlements and allocation of water for competing uses
The Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India presents a report on water allocation for competing uses. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 6 months ago
Agriculture, food security and nutrition in Vidarbha: Household level analysis – A special article in EPW
This special article in EPW is based on an assessment of agricultural practices and livelihoods of people in Vidarbha, one of the most distressed regions in India. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 6 months ago
The impacts of water infrastructure and climate change on the hydrology of the Upper Ganges river basin – A research report by IWMI
This study by International Water Management Institute (IWMI) assessed the variability of flows under present and ‘naturalized’ basin conditions in the Upper Ganges Basin. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 7 months ago
Yamuna-Elbe - A public art and outreach project at the Yamuna riverscape in Delhi launched on 5 November, 2011
People in the capital got to “experience the rivers” when the Yamuna-Elbe public art outreach project was organized in Delhi. Amita Bhaduri reports on this. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 7 months ago
Traditional water bodies of Delhi
Amita Bhaduri reports about the tenth public lecture of the Delhi Heritage City Campaign by the INTACH Delhi Chapter delivered by Sohail Hashmi. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 7 months ago
Strengthening rural livelihoods – A report by IDRC
This report looks at the impact of information and communication technologies in Asia. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 7 months ago
Performance audit of food security schemes in Orissa and Uttar Pradesh – A report by Centre for Environment and Food Security
This report by the Centre for Environment and Food Security (CEFS) deals with performance audit of ten food security and poverty alleviation schemes in Orissa and Uttar Pradesh (UP). Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 7 months ago
Fishery statistics – A manual by Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
This manual provides the users of marine and inland fishery statistics and data. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 7 months ago
Water quality hot-spots in rivers of India: Comments by South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers & People, New Delhi
SANDRP states its concerns regarding the report. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 7 months ago
Karnataka High Court Committee strongly discourages commercial involvement in lake management and rejuvenation
A press release by Environment Support Group on this issue. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 7 months ago
Mining India: Sustainably for growth – A report by Ernst & Young and ASSOCHAM
This report by Ernst & Young and ASSOCHAM on “Mining India: Sustainably for growth” gives insights into the mining sector in India. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
Living rivers, dying rivers: Rivers in North East India
The fourth lecture in the ten-part series titled "Living Rivers, Dying Rivers" was delivered by Dr. Chandan Mahanta, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati on 'Rivers in North-East India'. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
The majestic Brahmaputra river (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Water quality hot-spots in rivers of India – A report by Central Water Commission
This report by the Central Water Commission (CWC) attempts to provide the water quality scenario of our rivers. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
Environmental monitoring programme on water quality in Kerala – A report by KSCSTE and CWRDM
Streams receive stress from sewage and organic effluents, as per this study. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
Management of landslides and snow avalanches - National disaster management guidelines by National Disaster Management Authority
The guidelines have identified nine major areas for systematic and coordinated management of landslide hazards. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
Lakes in Mumbai – A draft report by WWF India
Need to conserve and protect the lakes from further degradation, the study says. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
Zero tillage in the rice-wheat systems of the Indo-Gangetic plains - A review of impacts and sustainability implications by IFPRI
There is need to extend the gains of zero tillage more rigorously to the less endowed areas and farmers, the paper says. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
Chemical fertilizers in our water - An analysis of nitrates in the groundwater in Punjab by Greenpeace
This study by Greenpeace India Society is an initial investigation into the effects of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer on groundwater pollution in intensive agriculture areas in Punjab. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago