Amita Bhaduri

Himalayan glaciers: A state-of-art review of glacial studies, glacial retreat and climate change – A MoEF discussion paper
The study presents interesting findings related to the glaciers in the Indian Himalayas. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
Fisheries and livelihoods in Tungabhadra basin: Current status and future possibilities – A working paper by Institute for Social and Economic Change
Security of tenure is an important issue and fishermen are concerned about the rights to access and the use of common waters, the study says. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
Sanitation in India: Progress, differentials, correlates and challenges – A report by ADB
The relationship between sanitation and economic growth is ambivalent, the study says. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
Sustainable resources management for food security and sustainable livelihoods - Action - A Newsletter of AFPRO
The newsletter focuses on wider promotion of location-specific-low-cost technologies for better management of natural resources. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
Environmental flows in water resources policies, plans, and projects - Case studies by IBRD
Environmental flows are really about the equitable distribution of and access to water and services provided by aquatic ecosystems, the report says. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
Private water supply augmentation project for Khandwa town in Madhya Pradesh under UIDSSMT - A case study of the impacts of the project by Manthan Adhyayan Kendra
The number of private water projects under UIDSSMT is increasing at a fast rate. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
New hope for Indian food security? The System of Rice Intensification – A paper by International Institute for Environment and Development
There is need for setting a nationwide policy to adopt SRI on at least 25 per cent of the irrigated rice area in the next five years, the report says. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
Towards drinking water security in India: Lessons from the field – A report by Water and Sanitation Program
Mere 30 percent of rural households obtain their drinking water supply through taps, the report says. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
An inventory of Greater Himalayan wetlands – A manual by ICIMOD
A wetland inventory can provide information to support national programmes and reporting requirements for other international treaties, the report says. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
Mapping drought patterns and impacts: A global perspective – A research report by IWMI
Regions with an unreliable and vulnerable nature of river discharge, and having the largest drought deficits and durations are highlighted in this report. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
Climate change impact on hill agriculture and farmers adaptive strategies – A case study of Kullu valley in Himachal Pradesh
This study by Bhoomika Partap and Tej Partap deals with climate change impact on hill agriculture and farmers adaptive strategies. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
An overview of arsenic in groundwater in Tamil Nadu – A report by Water Resources Department
This report by the Water Resources Department (Government of Tamil Nadu) attempts to estimate the presence of heavy metal arsenic in groundwater in the state of Tamil Nadu. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
India’s sanitation for all: How to make it happen – A discussion paper by Asian Development Bank
Sanitation programs must use a menu of different approaches, such as financing at the household level and a range of affordable sanitation options for potential consumers, the report says. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 8 months ago
Thirupporur and Vadakkuppattu: Eighteenth century locality accounts – A report by Centre for Policy Studies
Many notable features of the eighteenth century Tamil society have been brought out in this book. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 9 months ago
Draft Jharkhand Industrial Policy (2011) - What does it say on water ?
The policy introduces the concept of differential water tariff. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 9 months ago
Jalanidhi-2 programme of the Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency
A report on environmental assessment and environmental management framework - Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 9 months ago
Man-made floods in Orissa in September 2011- Key issues raised by Water Initiatives Orissa
The Orissa floods of 2011 point to the loopholes in river basin planning and management and calls for urgent attention of planners and policy makers. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 9 months ago
Polluted river stretches in India: Criteria and status - A report by Central Pollution Control Board
The water quality data for the years 2002-2008 has been analysed here. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 9 months ago
Water and wastewater analysis – A guide manual by Central Pollution Control Board
It is expected that the development and proper use of such a manual by concerned laboratories will bring homogeneity for ensuring quality assurance especially in water and wastewater analysis. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 9 months ago
Cabinet approves new Mines and Minerals Development and Regulation Bill (2011)
The new MMDR Bill, 2011, aims to introduce better legislative environment for attracting investment and technology into the mining sector. Amita Bhaduri posted 12 years 9 months ago