Aarti Kelkar Khambete

Chasing a mirage: Water harvesting and artificial recharge in naturally water-scarce regions - An EPW paper
This paper refers to the recent plans by the Government of India to undertake artificial recharge of groundwater in over-exploited areas of the country to meet the demands for water. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 1 month ago
Irrigation management transfer in India: The processes and constraints - Paper by IRAP
The paper discusses the evolution of Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) in India and the need for better irrigation management to prevent water scarcity in many regions in the country. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 1 month ago
Irrigation water management for food security in India: The forgotten realities - Paper by IRAP
The paper takes a critical look at the recent official assessments of groundwater exploitation in India following the current debate on the water crisis. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 1 month ago
Urban Development Policy 2009 - Department of Urban Development (Government of Karnataka)
Urban Development Policy, Karnataka has been developed, by the Government of Karnataka, as a response to the challenges that are being faced by the state due to rapid urbanisation. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 1 month ago
Water: Private, Limited - Issues in privatisation, corporatisation and commercialisation of water sector in India by Manthan Adhyayan Kendra
This book by Manthan Adhyayan Kendra, highlights the emerging issues related to privatisation of water in the context of the recent surge of privatisation-related initiatives in the water sector in India. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 1 month ago
The power of uncertainty: Reflections on the nature of transformational initiatives - Malcolm Adiseshiah Centenary Lecture by Mihir Shah
In this lecture, the connections between the concepts of certainty and uncertainty are compared with the scientific or the positivist approach and the phenomenalist approach. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 1 month ago
India's Sanitation for All: How to make it happen - An ADB report
This discussion paper examines the current state of sanitation in India and calls for a 50% reduction in the proportion of people without sanitation by 2015. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 1 month ago
Negotiate: Reaching agreements over water - Paper by IUCN
This book is directed at practitioners involved in water-related negotiations that aim at fair and mutual agreements on optimum and sensible use of water by all. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 1 month ago
School water, sanitation and hygiene education - Paper by Water for People
This document emphasises the importance of appropriate sanitation coverage in schools that is gender sensitive and culturally acceptable. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 1 month ago
Rank of Indian cities on sanitation (2009-10) - National Rating and Award Scheme for Sanitation in Indian Cities (MoUD)
The sanitation survey initiated by the Ministry of Urban Development as a part of the National Rating and Award Scheme for Sanitation ranks Indian cities on sanitation. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 1 month ago
Holistic Engineering and Hydro-Diplomacy in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin - EPW Paper
This document highlights the importance of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) basin as an important source of water for many of the countries in South Asia. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 2 months ago
The slum water programme business plan: A sustainable water solution for marginalized slum communities - A document by ROWS
This document highlights the daily reality of people living in the slums of Mumbai and the inadequate water supply available to the 10 million slum residents to meet their daily requirements. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 2 months ago
Urban Population and WatSan: A brief status report by WaterAid (2009)
This document highlights the poor water and sanitation situation in the urban slums in India, due to rapid urbanisation and increase in the number of slum dwellers in the cities. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 2 months ago
Bihar needs to build 6,900 toilets a day to keep promise of total sanitation - A survey report by WaterAid (2009)
This brief report highlights the findings of an evaluation study conducted by WaterAid, India of the Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC), in order to eradicate open defecation. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 2 months ago
Capacity Building for Integrated Water Resources Management (Cap-Net) - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
This article features the various resources on water management issues on the Cap-Net website, which is a network for capacity building in IWRM. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 2 months ago
Eye of the storm: Integrated solutions to the climate, agriculture and water crisis - A brief by IATP
This brief by IATP acknowledges that climate, water and agriculture are the three important factors that are facing severe crisis in recent years and should not be viewed in isolation. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 2 months ago
A study on Bellandur tank and changes due to urbanisation - A report by CASUMM
The article presents the case of Bellandur Tank in Bangalore city and highlights how rapid urbanisation has led to the destruction of one of the biggest water bodies in the district. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 3 months ago
Financing on-site sanitation for the poor: A six country comparative review and analysis - A report by WSP (World Bank)
This report by the WSP draws attention to the fact that about 40% of the population in the world does not have access to basic level of sanitation, leading serious health problems. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 3 months ago
Revitalizing Asia's Irrigation: To sustainably meet tomorrow's food needs - A report by IWMI and FAO
This report highlights the urgent need for improving irrigation systems to enhance food production to meet the needs of the growing population in Asia, due to urbanisation and climate change. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 3 months ago
Rainwater harvesting in Mumbai: Application of GIS
This article focusses attention on the increasing water demand in urban areas because of industrialisation and population growth by giving the example of Mumbai. Aarti Kelkar Khambete posted 14 years 3 months ago