Urban Development Policy 2009 - Department of Urban Development (Government of Karnataka)

The Urban Development Policy, Karnataka has been developed, by the Department of Urban Development (Government of Karnataka), as a response to the challenges that are being faced by the state due to rapid urbanisation leading to:

  • An increase in population in urban areas due to migration
  • Increase in the number of poor residents in urban areas
  • Infrastructural shortfall on several fronts
  • Shortage of resources
  • The challenge of ensuring the basic welfare of the poor in urban areas
  • The increasing need for strengthening governance, planning and administration

The policy has seven key components in its framework

  • A strategy for urban development
  • A new approach to urban planning
  • Reducing and eliminating poverty
  • Provision of urban infrastructure services
  • Ensuring environmental sustainability of urban areas
  • Democratic urban governance
  • Mobilisation of adequate financial resources

The policy document  describes  the challenges faced by the state due to urbanisation in detail and highlights the agenda for action.

Download the policy:

