Urban Population and WatSan: A brief status report by WaterAid (2009)

This document by WaterAid India, India highlights the poor water and sanitation situation in the urban slums in India, in the context of rapid urbanisation and the increase in the number of slums and slum dwellers in the cities.

Data on the availability of water in the notified slums indicates that there are regional differences, with not one slum having water supply in Bihar to less than 35% slums having access to water in Chattisgarh, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh.

The situation is even worse in the case of non-notified slums as compared to notified slums with non-notified slums lagging behind significantly in terms of sewerage and toilet facilities.

The document ends by highlighting the steps undertaken by the government over the years to tackle this problem of growing slums in the cities and the challenges that lie ahead.

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