Negotiate: Reaching agreements over water - Paper by IUCN

Negotiate: Reaching agreements over water - Paper by IUCNThis book by IUCN is directed at practitioners involved in water-related negotiations that aim at fair and mutual agreements on optimum and sensible use of water by all. The book provides the necessary motivation, ideas, tools and inspiration for people involved in water negotiations throughout the world.

Many a times, the underlying approach to negotiations involves bargaining and competition. However, the book believes that emphasis on constructive engagement involving multiple perspectives and consensus building can lead to fair and equal distribution of this valuable resource to everyone.

The book is divided into five chapters that give out important key messages as to how to go about the process of negotiating:

  1. Why Negotiate?
  2. Constructive Engagement
  3. Multi-Stakeholder Platforms (MSPs)
  4. Consensus Building
  5. Agreement

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