Drinking and other Domestic Uses
Global change, wastewater and health in fast growing economies - Paper published in the journal Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
Posted on 02 Feb, 2012 11:35 AMIt argues that among the water challenges in the 21st century, the water quality health nexus is one of the most serious challenges that will need to be addressed at an urgent level.The paper directs attention at the rapid and unequal growth and development patterns emerging in developing economies and the impact of this development on the environment and human populations. The paper directs attention to the negative impact of this development on one of the important natural resources such as water and the linkages between water quality and public health of populations.
Draft National Policy 2012 seems to help only vested interests, not the farmers or the environment says SANDRP
Posted on 01 Feb, 2012 09:18 PMSource: SANDRP
Contextualising urban water supply in a changing environment: India Urban Conference, November 17-20 2011
Posted on 30 Jan, 2012 09:21 AMIt aimed to set the challenges faced by urban planners in the current economic, socio-political, and ecological landscape. This would enable informed and negotiated choices on urban development. The stated objectives of the conference are as follows:
Water for People invites applications for Communication and Documentation Officer, Delhi – Apply by January 20, 2012
Posted on 20 Jan, 2012 02:06 PMContent courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia
Water For People is a USA based non-profit organization, which supports people of developing countries improve their quality of life by promoting of locally sustainable drinking water sources, sanitation facilities and health and hygiene programs. The organization believes that access to safe water and adequate sanitation are basic human rights and can help put an end to needless suffering and death from water related preventable diseases.
Water for People invites applications for Finance & Accounts Manager, Delhi – Apply by January 20, 2012
Posted on 20 Jan, 2012 01:55 PMContent courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia
Water For People is a USA based non-profit organization, which supports people of developing countries improve their quality of life by promoting of locally sustainable drinking water sources, sanitation facilities and health and hygiene programs. The organization believes that access to safe water and adequate sanitation are basic human rights and can help put an end to needless suffering and death from water related preventable diseases.
National seminar on governance and management of drinking water, IPE, February 14-15, 2012, Hyderabad
Posted on 19 Jan, 2012 10:39 AMOrganizer: Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE)
Water For People invites applications for Finance & Accounts Manager, Delhi – Apply by January 20, 2012
Posted on 17 Jan, 2012 02:18 PMContent courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia
Water For People is a USA based non-profit organization, which supports people of developing countries improve their quality of life by promoting of locally sustainable drinking water sources, sanitation facilities and health and hygiene programs. The organization believes that access to safe water and adequate sanitation are basic human rights and can help put an end to needless suffering and death from water related preventable diseases.
Community managed sanitation in Kerala - Tools to promote governance and improve health - A Report by the World Bank Institute
Posted on 16 Jan, 2012 01:14 PMIt also deals with the efforts made by the Government of India to revolutionise sanitation services in the state of Kerala, with the aim of improving public health. Earlier experience had shown that significant governance problems had hindered water and sanitation reforms in local and national programmes in the state.
SWSM invites applications for State Co-ordinator (Sanitation and Hygiene), Jharkhand – Apply by January 14, 2012
Posted on 15 Jan, 2012 10:14 AMContent courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia
The flagship programmes of Government of India Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) and National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) are being implemented by State Water and Sanitation Mission (SWSM) Jharkhand, Government of Jharkhand. A state level society Programme Management Unit has been functional for planning, monitoring and support in programme implementation.
Changing currents: Plumbing the rights: A film highlighting water as a common good
Posted on 10 Jan, 2012 08:55 PMSource: Culture Unplugged