Drinking and other Domestic Uses

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December 21, 2022 While drinking water coverage in rural India has improved, has it also improved reliability and safety of drinking water? This CEEW brief explores and analyses the available data to find out.
Adequate and safe drinking water, a valuable resource in rural India (Image Source: McKay Savage via Wikimedia Commons)
December 16, 2022 In this article, we will understand how the WQM course is continuing to influence the needs of learners that come from diverse backgrounds. The course model also offers core insights to many others who would like to engage in a virtual training program.
During a WQM course, a field team member from INREM facilitating a demonstration
December 13, 2022 WaterAid India’s partnership with USAID and Gap Inc. benefits 2400 villages across 7 districts of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra

WaterAid has focused on establishing community-led water quality monitoring & surveillance (Image: Anil Gulati/India Water Portal Flickr)
August 19, 2022 Better access to clean water coupled with health education to bring about changes in behaviour are critical to prevent exposure to dangerous cholera bacteria that lurk in untreated waters.
The hidden threat of cholera in India (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
July 20, 2022 This study found a high concentration of trihalomethanes (THMs) in water treatment plants in Delhi that were associated with increased risk of cancer.
What's in your tap water (Image Source: India Water Portal)
May 25, 2022 Enabling a culture of data sharing between programs and reuse of data
Participatory programs such as JJM require a large amount of village-level information on water (Image: Arpit Deomurar, FES)
Privatisation of water services in New Delhi : Myth and reality - Report by Water Privatisation - Commercialization Resistance Committee
This booklet argues that are attempts being made in India to privatise and commodify water, which is a retreat from our constitutional and economic duty and from our own human obligations Posted on 09 Jul, 2012 12:40 PM

Residents of Delhi have been protesting against privatisation of water atleast since 2005.

Drops do not discriminate: Addressing inequities and inequalities in access to water and sanitation in India - A short film by WaterAid, India
This video sheds light on the deteriorating water and sanitation situation in the country and questions the efforts being made at the policy level to deal with the situation Posted on 06 Jul, 2012 03:07 PM

The video by  WaterAid, India points at the lack of awareness, planning and the poor water management practices in the country that have led to this situation by highlighting that even though the rainfall in India is in surplus with 1170 mm of rainfall every year, we continue to face scarcity of water every year.

Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation invites applications for Deputy Advisor (Public Health Engineering), New Delhi - Apply by July 13, 2012
Posted on 27 Jun, 2012 11:21 AM



The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Government of India, formerly under the Ministry of Rural Development as Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation. The Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP) was the first major intervention in the water sector that started in 1972-1973. To accelerate coverage, a Technology Mission on Drinking Water was launched in 1986.

Mihir Shah Committee proposes new guidelines on MGNREGA: Some highlights
This article by Amita Bhaduri highlights the new set of guidelines under the MGNREGA scheme that has been unveiled by the Mihir Shah Committee recently Posted on 21 Jun, 2012 04:32 PM

The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) aims at enhancing the livelihood security of people in rural areas by guaranteeing hundred days of wage-employment in a financial year to a rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work.

Future at stake - The dismal picture of education in Bihar and Nitish Kumar's efforts to revive it
This article sheds light on the dismal state of the schools in Bihar that lack even basic facilities such as drinking water and sanitation Posted on 18 Jun, 2012 04:22 PM

“The current age is the era of knowledge and not of weapons, and only through education and knowledge can one break out of the abject poverty”. Wise words from Bihar’s Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who believes that times have changed since his government took over: now is the time to pick up the pen and discover its power.

Rural Kashmir surviving in the dark age - Remote villages deprived of basic facilities
Inspite of strides made by India in development, the situation of rural villages in India, especially those lying on the borders of the country remains the worst of all Posted on 18 Jun, 2012 04:11 PM

Development of Indian cities in the recent past has been quite an eye-opener for the world. The world looks at India with pride today, be it in the medical, social, economical or cultural fields of development. Our natural resources are the envy of many nations but when we look at our villages in the 21st century, our heads hang in shame.

Parched Himalayan villages - The need to restore traditional methods of water harvesting
This article highlights the drinking water situation in the rural areas at the foot hills of the Himalayas Posted on 18 Jun, 2012 03:58 PM

On 6th March this year, the United Nations announced that the international target to halve the number of people who do not have the access to safe drinking water has been met, five years before the 2015 deadline.

"Rural voices: Unheard to empowered" Report of a conference held on 3rd May 2012 by IRRAD, Sesame Workshop India Trust and UNESCO at Gurgaon
This article by Amita Bhaduri describes the proceedings of a conference titled “Rural voices: Unheard to empowered”’ on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day Posted on 18 Jun, 2012 12:50 PM

The Institute of Rural Research and Development (IRRAD), Sesame Workshop India Trust and United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) jointly organized a conference titled “Rural voices: Unheard to empowered”’ on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day 2012 on 3rd May, 2012 in

7th Edition of Voices from the Waters Film Festival, August 30 - September 2, 2012, Bangalore
Posted on 29 May, 2012 10:50 PM

Voices from water

Organiser: Voices from the Waters, the International Travelling Film Festival

Venue: Alliance Francaise de Bangalore, Christ University and Max Mueller Bhavan, Bangalore

Water quality index of surface water bodies of Gujarat, India - Paper published in the Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences
This paper discusses the findings of a study that assessed the physicochemical water quality parameters of surface water in Gujarat Posted on 25 May, 2012 10:51 PM

This paper from the journal Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences presents the findings of a study that attempted to assess the physicochemical parameters of surface water in Gujarat state to explore the suitability of water
