Water quality index of surface water bodies of Gujarat, India - Paper published in the Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences

This paper from the journal Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences presents the findings of a study that attempted to assess the physicochemical parameters of surface water in Gujarat state to explore the suitability of water for drinking and other purposes. Surface water samples were collected from various sampling locations of rivers, canal and lakes of Gujarat. 

Samples were analysed for various water quality parameters as per standard procedures given in APHA, Standard Methods, 1992. The observed values were compared with standard values recommended by World Health Organisation for drinking water purposes. The calculation of Water Quality Index (WQI) was carried out using software on the world sanitation website weighted arithmetic index method i.e. Keith Alcock's. WQI was subsequently formulated using Keith Alcock's JavaScript webmaster process (2008) and the results obtained for each sample tested were reported.

The study found that:

  • Water quality index (WQI) of surface water of various sampling locations of Gujarat ranged between 44-61, which indicated the poor quality of  water
  • The high value of WQI at some of the stations was found to be because of higher values of fecal coliform, nitrate, total suspended solids and BOD in the surface water
  • The study found that WQI can play a big role in mitigating the pollution problems encountered in different surface water bodies
  • The analysis revealed that surface water from coastal south region to north region of Gujarat was poor for drinking purposes as per the water quality index. However, this water could be used for drinking purpose after purification treatment followed by disinfection before consumption and it was also good for irrigation purposes

A copy of the paper can be accessed at this link
