Drinking and other Domestic Uses

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December 21, 2022 While drinking water coverage in rural India has improved, has it also improved reliability and safety of drinking water? This CEEW brief explores and analyses the available data to find out.
Adequate and safe drinking water, a valuable resource in rural India (Image Source: McKay Savage via Wikimedia Commons)
December 16, 2022 In this article, we will understand how the WQM course is continuing to influence the needs of learners that come from diverse backgrounds. The course model also offers core insights to many others who would like to engage in a virtual training program.
During a WQM course, a field team member from INREM facilitating a demonstration
December 13, 2022 WaterAid India’s partnership with USAID and Gap Inc. benefits 2400 villages across 7 districts of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra

WaterAid has focused on establishing community-led water quality monitoring & surveillance (Image: Anil Gulati/India Water Portal Flickr)
August 19, 2022 Better access to clean water coupled with health education to bring about changes in behaviour are critical to prevent exposure to dangerous cholera bacteria that lurk in untreated waters.
The hidden threat of cholera in India (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
July 20, 2022 This study found a high concentration of trihalomethanes (THMs) in water treatment plants in Delhi that were associated with increased risk of cancer.
What's in your tap water (Image Source: India Water Portal)
May 25, 2022 Enabling a culture of data sharing between programs and reuse of data
Participatory programs such as JJM require a large amount of village-level information on water (Image: Arpit Deomurar, FES)
Case studies on Drinking Water Management in Gujarat, based on the work of the Pravah Network (in Gujarati language)
Ccase studies on drinking water management in organising drinking water at the village level, along with rural communities of Gujarat Posted on 23 Oct, 2009 05:00 PM

The following case studies on drinking water management, describe the efforts of Pravah and its partner organisations, in organising drinking water at the village level, along with rural communities of Gujarat.

Plastics in Packaging of Drinking Water - CIPET Mysore
A presentation that gives a brief overview of glass and plastics as water packaging materials and their comparative benefits, as well as recycling issues. Posted on 21 Oct, 2009 04:26 PM

This presentation by Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology (CIPET) Mysore, was made at the Seminar on Packaged Water Industry in India, organised by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) on 30th June 2009.

Bureau of Indian Standards - Packaged Drinking Water
A presentation detailing the BIS regulations applicable to Packaged Drinking Water. Posted on 21 Oct, 2009 04:09 PM

This presentation made at the Seminar on Packaged Water Industry in India, organised by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) on 30th June 2009, gives details of the BIS regulations applicable to Packaged Drinking Water.

Plastic Waste Management - Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
A presentation that gives a brief background of the various kinds of plastics used, the various categories and sources of plastic waste and the various recycling technologies available. Posted on 21 Oct, 2009 04:05 PM

This presentation made at the Seminar on Packaged Water Industry in India, organised by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) on 30th June 2009, gives a brief background of the various linds of plastics used, the varous categories and sources of plastic waste and the various recyling technologies available.

Packaged Water Industry in India - An Overview by Pepsico India
A presentation that gives a basic picture of the packaged drinking water market in India Posted on 21 Oct, 2009 03:49 PM

This presentation made at the Seminar on Packaged Water Industry in India, organised by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) on 30th June 2009, gives a basic picture of the Packaged Drinking Water market in India - overall market size, size of various segments, factors driving industry growth and industry trends, as well as case study of some packaged water brands

Conformity Assessment and the Packaged Water Industry - An Overview by Underwriters' Laboratories
A presentation that gives details of packaged water certification program and describes the value of third party certification. Posted on 21 Oct, 2009 03:40 PM

Underwriters Laboratories is one of the world's leading, independent, product safefy and testing organisation. 

Research papers on water - The Social Science Research Network
A set of research papers that cover topics such as water management reforms, water supply and sanitation projects, drinking water adequacy, reforms in water institutions and water privatisation Posted on 04 Oct, 2009 12:09 AM


Getting Things Done: Bureaucratic and Entrepreneurial Approaches to the Practice of Participatory Water Management Reforms in Brazil and India

Solar powered drinking water system:A video
A video on providing a solar powered drinking water system Posted on 29 Sep, 2009 01:24 AM

YouTube video


Public-private partnerships and lessons from Tiruppur Water Supply and Sewerage Project
A paper on the ongoing study of the Tiruppur Water Supply and Sewerage Project Posted on 17 Sep, 2009 04:00 PM

This paper by Manthan Adhyayan Kendra presented at The Third International Conference on Public Policy and Management, Indian
