Sahjeevan Trust

Sahjeevan Trust
Case Studies - Pani Thiye Panjo programme on rural drinking water management - Sahjeevan Trust in Kutch
A set of case studies that describe the work of Sahjeevan Trust in organizing drinking water in Kutch, Gujarat
Posted on 15 Feb, 2010 03:16 PM

Pani Thiye PanjoThe following four case studies, describe the work of Sahjeevan Trust and its partners, in organising drinking water, in participation with rural communities in Kutch, Gujarat, through the Pani Thiye Panjo program.

Case studies on Drinking Water Management in Gujarat, based on the work of the Pravah Network (in Gujarati language)
Ccase studies on drinking water management in organising drinking water at the village level, along with rural communities of Gujarat Posted on 23 Oct, 2009 05:00 PM

The following case studies on drinking water management, describe the efforts of Pravah and its partner organisations, in organising drinking water at the village level, along with rural communities of Gujarat.
