Success Stories and Case Studies

24X7 Water in Karnataka towns -- an update from Veolia Water
24X7 Water in Karnataka towns -- an update from Veolia Water Posted on 05 Feb, 2009 07:43 PM

EEDS develops light-weight concrete composite Ecosan pans!
EEDS has successfully developed various models of light weight concrete composites Ecosan pans with the support of UNICEF, New Delhi and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Sweden. Posted on 12 Dec, 2008 04:03 AM

EEDS has successfully developed various models of light weight concrete composites Ecosan pans with the support of UNICEF, New Delhi and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Sweden. These products were unveiled at the SACOSAN conference held in New Delhi recently.

Ecosan calculations & urine as a fertilizer!
Advantages of using plant nutrient rich urine as fertilizer Posted on 08 Dec, 2008 12:33 PM

Vishwanath calls on all to set aside the "yuck" factor and take a rational view of the use of urine as a fertilizer. From a open discussion he goes on to list out the advantages of using plant nutrient rich urine as fertilizer and provides the maths behind his validation!! Write in with your take in the comments!

Urine-diverting toilets - Posters
Posters on Urine Harvesting Posted on 06 Dec, 2008 02:28 AM

IIT Delhi and Vigyan Vijay Foundation have been implementing a pilot project on Waterless Urinals. The project is supported by Stockholm Environmental Institute and UNICEF. These posters below have been developed as part of that project. The project aims to develop appropriate solutions for scaling-up Waterless Urinals at public places, institutions and homes. One of the core objectives of the project is to advocate waterless urinals as an integral component of toilets especially at homes whereby water and energy can be conserved and the environment is protected. We hope these posters will be of immense value to general public and practitioners looking for undertaking waterless urinals. For more information contact Ramesh Sakthivel , poster-1.jpg poster-2.jpg

Click below to View Posters in full size :

Guava leaves, open wells, appropriate technology and all that
Guava leaves, open wells, appropriate technology and all that Posted on 04 Dec, 2008 12:50 PM


Rainbow Drive Layout -- A model for urban water management ?
Rainbow Drive Layout: A Case Study of Sustainable Decentralized Urban Water Management Posted on 10 Nov, 2008 10:10 AM

Bangalore's sprawling expansion outpaces the public utility's ability to accommodate skyrocketing demand for water and sanitation services, and it is increasingly common for new residential communities to assume total management for their own water and sanitation services through their resident welfare associations.

The Buddha's middle path? - News on water use consensus from Bolivia
Is this the approach to the holy grail called consensus on the right to water and its efficient use?! Posted on 08 Nov, 2008 10:52 AM


The Coca-Cola company: "Replenish" report
The Coca-Cola company: "Replenish" report Posted on 14 Sep, 2008 09:29 AM

untitled.jpg The Coca-Cola Company is committed to the good health and well being of communities around the world.

Foot taps for water conservation
Foot taps for water conservation Posted on 25 Aug, 2008 11:00 AM

KRAPAVIS:Reviving "Orans" physically and conceptually
KRAPAVIS:Reviving "Orans" physically and conceptually Posted on 13 Aug, 2008 04:39 AM

Orans are local micro bio-diversity reserves- community conserved areas (CCAs) harboring the shrine of a local goddess or deity. Also known as Dev-banis, these local forests vary in size from a hundred to five hundred bighas (about hundred hectares). Most Orans have sources of water, either small springs or rivulets running through them or a variety of ponds and nadis in their midst.
