Foot taps for water conservation

water_droplet_blue_bg05.jpg Chetan Prasad has always believed and advocated self help, DIY solutions using simple technology. Being concerned about the wastage of water in residences and having read and heard about plastic bottles in flush tanks, he realized that another area of wasteful usage of water was at the sink taps, either in the bathrooms or the kitchen. In normal practice the water is kept flowing during brushing/shaving or washing vessels. This causes the wastage of a large amount of water for which a foot operated tap was the obvious answer but these are woefully unavailable. This prompted him to develop the 'Foot-Tap' using an easily available float valve in commode cisterns. The methodology of constructing the same with detailed step-by-step instructions have been posted on Wikihow: Conserve Water With Foot taps Image Courtesy: Wikipedia

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