Success Stories and Case Studies

Sustainable rural water management - a replicable case study by the Sehgal foundation
This paper touches on key elements of sustainability pertaining to rural water management, but with greater focus on improving technical sustainability of the infrastructure, through innovations. Posted on 14 May, 2009 03:12 PM

The case study is on integrated water management in village Ghaghas, Haryana, which is replicable in general, though micro conditions in villages would be different. Often the failure of water management structures is due to lack of design for silt management.

Swadhyayee movement captures running away rainwater in Saurashtra
Extraction of groundwater coupled with severe drought led to a reactive response in people of Saurashtra to divert rainwater into their wells in a bid to "capture" water which was "running off" Posted on 14 May, 2009 03:07 PM

Saurashtra is the peripheral region along Coastal Gujarat. It is composed of a Central basaltic plateau that rises 100 to 200m above mean sea level with an average annual rainfall of about 600 mm. The rainfall is concentrated in a few days during which the incident rainfall leads to flashfloods draining into the sea.

Call for submissions : Actions for water integrity in the context of climate change
The Water Integrity Network is seeking information on initiatives addressing corruption related to water and climate change for the Water Integrity Case Information Sheet series. Posted on 14 May, 2009 02:03 PM

Forwarded to the Portal by: Birke Otto

Image and Content Courtesy: Water Integrity Network 

The Water Integrity Network is seeking information on initiatives addressing corruption related to water and climate change for the Water Integrity Case Information Sheet series.

Case studies should address questions such as 

What obstacles are rendering water-related climate change adaptation strategies inadequate or inequitable?; What types of initiatives have been put in place to avoid or address climate-related water integrity issues (regulation, policy, monitoring, advocacy, project design, etc.)?; How do local, national, and international groups and organisations tackle such problems?; and What other special problems is climate change implicating for water integrity?

The deadline is 1 June 2009.

Harvesting water harnessing life: A case study of Kotla village in Mewat, Rajasthan
A case study of good watershed interventions by the Sehgal Foundation that has helped improve the water situation in Kotla village in Mewat, Rajasthan Posted on 14 May, 2009 01:31 PM

A Case Study of Kotla Village in Mewat


People Meo Tribals
Geographical Location Foothills of Aravalis
Average rainfall 336mm-500mm
Occupation of villagers  
a) Agriculture & Animal Husbandry
b) Others
Cultivated area 80%
Irrigated area 44%
Source of water for irrigation Ground water- 95%
Water Quality Mostly brackish
Ground water depletion rate Over 25cms a year

The living wisdom: using local well driller knowledge to construct digital groundwater data bases
The study analyses knowledge of well drillers about groundwater aquifers and verify it with scientific data Posted on 14 May, 2009 12:39 PM

In the absence of groundwater instrumentation networks in India, the knowledge of local well drillers about the location, quality, etc of groundwater aquifers is invaluable. 

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The Andhra Pradesh farmer managed groundwater system project
Several thousand farmers voluntarily takes number of steps to reduce groundwater pumping, to overcome groundwater depletion without sacrificing on returns, while still improving overall efficiency Posted on 14 May, 2009 12:23 PM

The Andhra Pradesh Farmer Managed Groundwater System (APFAMGS) project is an enabling intervention for managing groundwater depletion through voluntary self regulation. The project has demonstrated its impact in 7 districts of Andhra Pradesh spread over 650 villages, on a significant scale. Read more

Drinking water access in Bangalore through the framework of human rights: a PhD dissertation
The overall aim of the study is to critically analyse the role of rights and obligations in attaining improved access to water in Bangalore Posted on 12 May, 2009 04:55 PM

This PhD dissertation by Jenny T Gronwall for Linkoping University's Tema Institute looks at issues of drinking water access in Bangalore through the framework of human rights, analyzing three interlinked dimensions: the right to water as a human right; water in terms of property rights; and water rights. 

Urban water crisis in Delhi - Stakeholders responses and potential scenarios of evolution
This paper proposes to question private abstraction of groundwater due to mismanagement of public utility in Delhi Posted on 12 May, 2009 04:39 PM

This paper on urban water crisis in Delhi looks at stakeholders responses and potential scenarios of evolution. An inadequate piped water supply from the public utility, characterized by intermittence and unreliability, and supplemented by private uncontrolled groundwater abstraction, is a common feature of most Indian cities as well as other developing cities in the w

Short movies on urban water management, watershed development, groundwater, water body restoration and agriculture in India
View short films on urban water management, watershed development, groundwater, water body restoration and agriculture in India on Youtube Posted on 12 May, 2009 01:37 PM

Short films about the management of urban water in India click here

Short movies on "watershed development" click here

Equity in watershed development in Hivre Bazar, western Maharashtra
The paper discusses the extent to which social and economic changes following watershed development have been equitable in Hivre Bazar, western Maharashtra Posted on 12 May, 2009 01:23 PM

This paper by Priya Sangameswaram in the Economic and Political Weekly deals with equity in watershed development in Hivre Bazar in Western Maharashtra.