Integrated approach to solid waste management in Pune city – A working paper in MPRA

Solid waste is increasing in the city due to growth of population, urbanization, higher per capita income and standard of living, changing lifestyle and food habits.

The first section of the paper explains about the structure of the solid waste in the city. The solid waste according to its constituents is presented in the second section. The third section of the paper explains about the regression result. The last section deals with the policy implication and conclusion.

The paper notes that the collection, segregation, storage, transports and processing of solid waste needs planning and more investment. Government and Municipal Corporation must encourage local management through collection, transport and segregation and disposal of solid waste. Public awareness and segregation at source, rules and regulations related to solid waste will bring positive changes in solid waste management.

The paper outlines the policy implications of solid waste management -

  • Financial health of the Municipal Corporation plays an important role in waste management. But institutional weaknesses and improper technology are the weak points.
  • For solid waste management, comprehensive policies from household to the dumping ground are required. Municipal Corporation can strengthen its capacity and institutional arrangement to handle the solid waste in city. It must take the help of NGO’s, researchers, universities and colleges. People’s participation is essential to ensure a well managed system.
  • There is also need to conduct an education campaign on waste management and health related issues in schools. Municipal Corporation must spread messages through radio, television, newspapers and hoarding about the advantages of clean city.
  • There is need for scientific planning of the solid waste collection at each household, collection point and easiest way of transportation up to landfill sites.
  • An increase in population has put tremendous pressure on budgetary resources. The unbundling of services and technological innovations have opened up these areas to private sector participation. Municipal Corporation must involve private sector in collection, transport and decomposition of the solid waste to increase its coverage and collection capacity.
  • The Municipal Corporation has to develop an updated information system about population, waste created and stored for better planning.
  • Waste collected needs to be segregated into different types and decomposition of the dry waste needs to be done at the ward level. It will help reduce the cost of collection and transport.
  • Municipal Corporation must pass laws against the households and commercial units which are throwing the waste at open sites, ponds and rivers.

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Post By: Amita Bhaduri