People and Organisations

Role of civil society in sanitation improvement - A case-study from the work of Parivartan in Uttar Pradesh (2010)
This presentation prepared by the founders of Parivartan, a Kanpur based NGO, deals with the organisation's efforts to improve the sanitation system of the town by involving local citizenry. Posted on 11 Apr, 2011 12:33 AM

This presentation prepared by the founders of Parivartan, a Kanpur based NGO, deals with the organisation's efforts to improve the sanitation system of the town by involving local citizenry.

Captain SC Tripathi, the founder of Parivartan explains that his organisation is based on a 'collective' model where in all aspects from ideation to implementation is a collective effort. This model seemed appropriate considering the different problems that Kanpur was facing ranging from sanitation issues to drainage, power outages etc. Added to this was political and official apathy, indifference and cynicism of citizenry.

Golap river restoration project in Ratnagiri executed by Gogate Joglekar College, Ratnagiri and Shree Charitable Trust, Mumbai
As part of an NSS Camp restoration work of the Golap River in Ratnagiri, was executed between 26th December, 2010 to 2nd January, 2011. Posted on 07 Apr, 2011 03:46 PM

The total length of the river is about 8 to 10 kms, of which a 2.5 km stretch was cleaned.

Golap river restoration project in Ratnagiri executed by Gogate Joglekar College, Ratnagiri and Shree Charitable Trust, Mumbai

Profile of GUARDIAN microfinance institution
GUARDIAN is the first MFI in the world engaged in micro lending to people lacking credit for the creation of individual toilet and water connection facilities Posted on 31 Mar, 2011 02:19 PM

Gramalaya Urban And Rural Development Initiatives And Network (GUARDIAN) is a micro finance institution (MFI) and a not for profit institution with no capital, registered under Sec.

Gramalaya, a voluntary organization establishes Water Technology Park on the occassion of World Water Day
The park has on display a range of hand pumps, miniature ground water recharge structures and demonstration models. Posted on 28 Mar, 2011 05:04 PM

A Water Technology Park, established by Gramalaya, a voluntary organization at its Institute of Water and Sanitation at Kolakudipatti, was declared open on the occasion of World Water Day.

The park provides an opportunity for local communities, health practitioners, voluntary organizations and government officials to learn about water sources, treatment and conservation.

Why we cannot keep silent : Women speak out for rivers
How do women feel when their rivers are dammed, their forests and villages submerged? Posted on 23 Mar, 2011 09:48 AM

Women have long taken action to protect rivers. These women would be affected by the Sardar Sarovar Dam in India (Karen Robinson).

Sowing seeds of consciousness - Presentations from the South Asia Conference on "Outstanding Organic Agriculture Techniques", Bangalore organised by OFAI (2009)
Conserving seeds - from production to collection to storage - in organic and natural form is the key to sustainable agriculture. Posted on 20 Mar, 2011 06:14 PM

Conserving SeedsThis set of presentations from the conference on Outstanding Organic Agriculture Techniques held during September 2009 at Bangalore deals with the conservation of seeds particularly for small subsistence farmers who are not very well linked with local markets and for whom seed production is still an integral part of farming activity seamlessly merged with the growing of crops and the totality of work and life on a farm.

Promoting plant health and a living soil in organic, natural, sustainable agriculture - Presentations from the South Asia Conference on "Outstanding Organic Agriculture Techniques", Bangalore organised by OFAI (2009)
Tackling the vulnerability of plant health with organic farming. Devising ways and restoring traditional techniques to agriculture to improve quality and quantity of produce. Posted on 20 Mar, 2011 05:57 PM

SprayingThis set of presentations from the conference on Outstanding Organic Agriculture Techniques held during September 2009 at Bangalore deals with methods for promoting plant health through organic farming.

Healthy fields: Managing plant health

This presentation by S R Sundaraman of Tamil Nadu Farmers Technology Association, Erode on managing plant health begins with an account of the techniques that can be employed in TNRH 29 rice through organic SRI methods. The following are recommended in harvesting stage – (a) four irrigations with fruit gaudi (b) two applications of MEM (c) application of four sprays and (d) four applications of parasites. The growth promoters used are Archea solution, Concentrated Amudham Sol, Panchakavya, Butter Milk Sol, Fish/Egg Extract, Leaf Extract Solution-pest control and TFPE-MN Supplements. Apart from rice, the other crops dealt with are maize, kadali banana, turmeric, sugarcane and vegetables.

Introduction to organic, natural, sustainable agriculture - Presentations from the South Asia Conference on "Outstanding Organic Agriculture Techniques", Bangalore organised by OFAI (2009)
How organic farming is the solution to food security? Why is organic farming preferred? What are the costs it involves? These presentations introduce organic farming with the issues associated to it. Posted on 20 Mar, 2011 05:44 PM

Paddy SeedlingsThis set of presentations from the conference on Outstanding Organic Agriculture Techniques held during September 2009 at Bangalore provides an introduction to organic farming, and bringing together various issues related to organic farming.

Organic farming can feed the world

This presentation by Claude Alvares, deals with the work of India’s organic farming community and the Organic Farming Association of India (OFAI). It states that the best organic farmers look to the forest for their learning. It details out how one raises plants (or trees) without – (a) NPK (b) Dams and canal irrigation (c) Tractors (d) Pesticides, weedicides, fungicides, homicides (e) Bank credit or bank extension officers (f) Agricultural scientists or universities (g) Negative environmental effects like climate change and (h) Water pollution.

Profile of DASINDIA
DAS (INDIA) has been working since 1992 (from 1992 to 1994 as A. Prasaad & Associates) with a commitment towards Social Development. Posted on 12 Mar, 2011 03:24 PM

ENV Developmental Assistance Systems (INDIA) Pvt. Ltd., is a consulting organization, providing management and technical support to a wide spectrum of clients on Social Development, Natural Resource Management and Integrated Infrastructure Development – Rural and Urban.