Profile of DASINDIA

ENV Developmental Assistance Systems (INDIA) Pvt. Ltd., is a consulting organization, providing management and technical support to a wide spectrum of clients on Social Development, Natural Resource Management and Integrated Infrastructure Development – Rural and Urban.
 DAS (INDIA) has been amongst the forerunners in providing a more community centre approach to technology led sustainable development at the grassroots. It has worked consistently with the government on developmental projects with the intent of promoting good governance and best practices- decentralized decision making, accountability and transparency, thereby bringing about extensive work culture changes within the government departments.

Since its inception in 1994, DAS (INDIA) has been associated with a diverse range of developmental initiatives with the government and its agencies, at both national and state level. Initiatives thus undertaken with these agents of development have been duly acknowledged that evinces in increasing request for our assistance in people-centred reform program. Some such areas where our expertise has been sought for includes, agriculture and livelihood, wasteland development, rural water supply, urban water supply, drainage and sewerage.

In its capacity as technical and management consultants, DAS (INDIA) has been associated with a number of assignments/ initiatives across the country. DAS (INDIA) has worked on developmental projects in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Orissa, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Himachal Pradesh. Furthermore, it has strong linkages with the Government, non-government and other developmental agencies in other states like Karnataka, Tripura, Manipur, Sikkim, Mijoram and Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir.

Our Geographical Spread

Services Offered:
Technical support and assistance extended by DAS (INDIA) to its clients is diverse. On the one hand, our services have been solicited in monitoring, appraisal / evaluation and impact assessment of programmes and projects while on the other, in preparing Government organizations for sector reform policy and implementation, designing of implementation strategy and technical assistance in successful implementation of these programmes.

Broadly, DAS (INDIA) offers the following services to its clients:

  • Project Management
  • Participatory Management Packages' customized to client situations
  • Information Systems Development
  • Monitoring and Evaluation studies
  • Policy Development Assistance
  • Infrastructure Development Consultancy
  • Environmental and Public Health Engineering Consultancy

In-house Expertise

Training and capacity building of the implementing organizations and agencies (Government, Non-government organizations as well as the community) is another area where our expertise has received recognition. Capacity Building of implementing organizations encompasses both  ‘hands-on’ support as well as imparting requisite trainings, through our large network of collaborating institutions and organizations which assist in the “expose and experiment” methods.

DAS (INDIA) has a strong, committed pool of Human Resource with varied experiences and expertise in Social development, management, finance, systems development and Information technology, agriculture and forestry. It includes people from leading educational institutions of national and international   repute with demonstrated field and grassroots experiences. This multidisciplinary pool of Human resource has enabled us to provide a wide-spectrum of appropriate, well-targeted and diligently implemented multidisciplinary consulting support, taking into cognizance the specific requirements of our clients.

In 1998, DAS (INDIA) diversified, setting – up an infrastructure division, primarily composed of specialists in water-resources, structural & environmental engineering. This was a strategic expansion to cater to an increasing demand for technical and ground level inputs on major ‘people- centred’ infrastructure initiatives at the grassroots.

Our Clientele

Over the span of 14 years, there has been a manifold increase in our clientele. Some of our major clients include the central and state governments - its departments and agencies. We have also been associated with other International Development agencies like The World Bank, Department of International Development (DfID), and The European Commission besides others.

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Post By: dasindia