People and Organisations

The story of how blissful ignorance allows Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages to deprive Mehdiganj, Varanasi of its water
What does 'being water positive' really mean for the villages where manufacturing plants are situated ? Posted on 01 Apr, 2013 11:39 PM


Bottled drinks are commonplace and we often reach for them without a thought. We may even feel good about our purchase as we read about the companies' commitment to water security' printed on the label. 


What does 'being water positive' really mean for the villages where manufacturing plants are situated ? This article examines the case of one such plant in Mehdiganj, PO Benipur, Arajiline block, Dist Varanasi and its effect on the groundwater levels in the area. The village has led an agitation against 4 specific negative impacts of the plant, acheiving moderate but measurable success.

This year, the movement comes to a crisis point as despite a warning by the Central Groundwater Development Board, the plant applies for a four-fold expansion.  

A farmer intrinsically trusts the land, says 'Timbaktu' : A national-award winning film on an organic farming movement in Andhra Pradesh
This beautifully shot film narrates the history of Timbaktu in Ananatapur District, and through it also describes the impact of the Green Revolution on the land. Posted on 22 Mar, 2013 09:58 AM

'Timbaktu' describes the motivation, efforts and results of the Timbaktu collective started in the 1980s by Mary and Bablu Ganguly.  Just as important, it narrates the story of a couple with a dream, and how they made it come true.

Reviving a lake transforms 120 acres of barren land into a self-sufficient organic farm: The story of Rajesh Naik and Oddoor farms, Mangalore, Karnataka
A visit to Oddoor farms near Mangalore, Karnataka, provides an inspiring example of the efforts made by Rajesh Naik ji to transform 120 acres of barren land into a lush green farm. Posted on 05 Mar, 2013 03:39 PM

A visit to Oddoor farms near Mangalore, Karnataka, provides an inspiring example of the efforts made by Rajesh Naik ji to transform 120 acres of barren land into a lush green farm through his persistent efforts of creating a two acre and fifty feet deep lake, which has not only transformed the surrounding area, but has also helped in improving the water table in the surrounding village, besides helping in the development of a self sufficient organic farm and a dairy.

Oddoor farms, around 25 kilometres away from Mangalore city is a great example of a very successful effort made by Rajesh Naik ji who has transformed 120 acres of barren land into a self sufficient organic farm by developing a 50 feet lake on two acres of land.  The journey has been a long one and not without its share of challenges, but persistence and constant optimism and hard work to overcome challenges has reaped results in the last twenty years, informs Rajesh Naik ji.

Oddoor farms

Rajesh Naik ji near the lake he has developed at the Oddoor farms near Mangalore

Enhancing livelihoods through diversion-based irrigation (DBI) in Odisha: An AJSA initiative
To combat water scarcity and socio-economic deprivation through the effective use of water resources in Dudkarenga and Barbandha villages in Odisha, AJSA launched a Diversion Based Irrigation(DBI) initiative in kalahandi District of Odisha,to bring sustainable livelihood and address food security and climate justice in M.Rampur block of Kalahandi.
Now the DBI systems are providing irrigation to the earlier unirrigated area’s and has become the main source of livelihood to generation of people who have had land. It is also providing wage employment to the landless also.
Posted on 14 Feb, 2013 10:58 PM

Courtesy: Anchalika Jana Seva Anusthan (AJSA), Odisha

Map of AJSA area of operation in Odisha

A map showing AJSA's area of operation in Odisha

To combat water scarcity and socio-economic deprivation through the effective use of water resources in Dudkarenga and Barbandha villages in Odisha, AJSA launched a Diversion Based Irrigation(DBI) initiative in kalahandi District of Odisha,to bring sustainable livelihood and address food security and climate justice in M.Rampur block of Kalahandi.

Now the DBI systems are providing irrigation to the earlier unirrigated area’s and has become the main source of livelihood to generation of people who have had land.  It is also providing wage employment to the landless also.

Video: Practising high-density micro-organic farming on your roof top - An interview with Mallesh, Purna Organics, Bangalore
Concerned by the growing health issues, Mallesh, an IT professional started Purna Organics in Bangalore. This start up organisation offers the following services: creating awareness about organic farming, helping interested individuals and families in setting gardens in their homes and also provide routine maintenance services. The video shows how families can practise high density micro organic farming in small tubs, with adequate watering and protection from pests. Posted on 05 Feb, 2013 04:46 PM

Source of Video: Chai with Lakshmi

Living rivers, dying rivers: River Yamuna
The second lecture was on the Yamuna river by Prof. Brij Gopal, former Prof. at JNU, and Manoj Misra, PEACE Institute and Yamuna Jiye Abhiyan. Posted on 25 Jan, 2013 12:06 AM


Yamuna river flowing through Agra
Meet the Data Project's star volunteers - Gautam Dihora and Sharada Ramadass, and learn how you can help make valuable groundwater data more accessible to the wider public
At the Data Project, our volunteers have helped us extract data out of difficult formats and are also working to demystify data through their observations and analytical skills. Posted on 22 Jan, 2013 10:18 PM


Video: "Managing water and wastewater to the last drop in a nature-friendly way": A case study from a home-office in Indore, Madhya Pradesh
This video demonstrates an alternative way of dealing with waste through a decentralised waste disposal method. Rahul Banerjee, Director, Dhas Gramin Vikas Kendra, believes in managing the waste at the point of origin itself, rather than expecting an already inefficient and over burdened local body to find a conducive solution. Posted on 14 Jan, 2013 10:05 AM


Mobiles come to the aid of farmers in Maharashtra, and help give locale-specific agro-advisories
Farmers in Maharashtra now receive automatic SMSes giving them weather information and advice about irrigation, pest control, fertiliser dosage etc, thanks to some amazing software developed by WOTR (Watershed Organisation Trust). Posted on 12 Jan, 2013 03:56 PM


Increasing rice yields and saving water: Lessons for policy and practice: Bi monthly update from SRI-India Network for November - December 2012
Increasing rice yields and saving water: Lessons for policy and practice: Bi monthly update from SRI-India Network for November - December 2012 Posted on 11 Jan, 2013 07:50 AM

Increasing rice yields and saving water: Lessons for policy and practice - The System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
