People and Organisations

Civil society consultations for the 12th Five Year Plan Approach Paper: Urban & Rural WATSAN sector
At the request of the Planning Commission, Arghyam and WaterAid agreed to co-ordinate and support a process of civil society consultation for inputs on rural and urban domestic water and sanitation for generating recommendations for the Approach Paper to the 12th Five Year Plan of the Government of India. Posted on 30 Dec, 2010 11:20 AM

At the request of the Planning Commission, Arghyam and WaterAid agreed to co-ordinate and support a process of civil society consultation for inputs on rural and urban domestic water and sanitation for generating recommendations for the Approach Paper to the 12th Five Year Plan of the Government of India.

A glimpse of the audience

Droplets: e-Newsletter from Everything About Water - December 2010
The Highlights of the Droplets Newletter - Everything About Water Posted on 29 Dec, 2010 10:56 AM

Article and Image Courtesy: Everything About Water

Droplets newsletter

The December edition of Droplets e-newsletter published by the Everything About Water had the following highlights:

Water management lessons from the Nandi foothills - SRI technique involves less water
There was a time when one associated the Nandi foothills with the river Arkavathi and a lush green as far as the eye could see. Today, the foothills are populated with eucalyptus plantations. Posted on 27 Dec, 2010 11:10 AM

Role models farmer couple Radhamma and Krishnappa have grown paddy in a region where groundwater levels have depletedThis has resulted in a depletion of groundwater resources. There is a scarcity of drinking water too, in the region.

Mitigating climate change through organic agriculture - Keynote address at the Third Organic Farming Association of India Convention, held at Anand, Gujarat (2010)
Green Revolution (GR) technologies, supported by official policies, and fuelled by agro-chemicals, machinery and irrigation, are well known to have improved agricultural production and productivity. Posted on 25 Dec, 2010 10:43 PM

Green Revolution (GR) technologies, supported by official policies, and fuelled by agro-chemicals, machinery and irrigation, are well known to have improved agricultural production and productivity. While these technologies greatly helped developing countries to address their food-security and food-sovereignty needs, farmers using these technologies have had to depend on external inputs.

Rainfed areas and rice farming Crucial agricultural water issues
Making up-gradation of rainfed areas a priority for food production and poverty alleviation Posted on 25 Dec, 2010 08:30 PM

John Thompson works on power, policy and sustainability issues in food and agriculture, water resource management and rural development. He is a STEPS Centre member, IDS Fellow and joint Co-ordinator of the Future Agricultures Consortium. He presents two crucial agricultural water issues to take priority on World Water Day.

Organic SRI rice: Indonesian woman talk about higher yields and health benefits
A participant at the CAP Go Natural fair, Cik Salwatinisa from Tunjong, Kelantan proudly displayed a range of organic SRI rice, farmed and milled for consumption by her company, Sunnah Tani Sdn. Bhd. in Tunjong, Kelantan. Posted on 25 Dec, 2010 08:28 PM
A participant at the CAP Go Natural fair, Cik Salwatinisa from Tunjong, Kelantan proudly displayed a range of organic SRI rice, farmed and milled for consumption by her company, Sunnah Tani Sdn. Bhd. in Tunjong, Kelantan. 
Cik Salwatinisa
Rice intensification for increasing productivity in Koraput, Odisha
System of Rice Intensification is new mantra for reducing water usage and increasing productivity Posted on 24 Dec, 2010 10:12 AM

System of Rice Intensification

Photo: Muralidhar Adhikari

Land acquisition for Renuka dam continues despite uncertainties - Press release from the Renuka Bandh Sangharsh Samiti
Protests against Renuka dam fails to stop land acquisitions; owners of the land being resettled against wishes: Cost of Development? Posted on 21 Dec, 2010 12:24 PM

Forwarded to the portal by: Manshi Asher
Content Courtesy: Himvani
Author: Renuka Bandh Sangharsh Samiti

Despite protest against forced acquisition of land, Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (HPPCL) and revenue administration today notified Section 9 of the Land Acquisition Act 1894, for approximately 680 big has (about 57 hectares) of land of Panaar Village for the Renuka Dam Project. In a letter to the Chief Justice of Himachal Pradesh High Court sent today, activists appealed for a stay on land acquisition for the project, considering the uncertainty surrounding the project.

Water management across space and time in India – A working paper by the University of Bonn
This paper links development of water management and its practices with social, religious, economic development with the rise and fall of the ruling regime. Posted on 17 Dec, 2010 10:09 PM

This working paper by the University of Bonn attempts to give a spatial and temporal overview of water management in India. It traces how people and the successive regimes made choices across space and time from a wide range of water control and distribution technologies. The paper divides the water management in India into four periods –

  • the traditional system of water management before colonial times;
  • response from the colonial rulers to manage the complex socio-ecological system;
  • large scale surface water development after independence; and
  • finally, the small-scale community and market-led revolution.

Water footprint assessments of dehydrated onion products of Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd – A report by IFC
Documenting the water consumption in Jain Irrigation Systems Limited’s (JISL) production of dehydrated onions and of micro-irrigation systems. Posted on 17 Dec, 2010 07:05 PM

This work on water footprint assessments represents a pioneering effort on documenting the water consumption in Jain Irrigation Systems Limited’s (JISL) production of dehydrated onions and of micro-irrigation systems. It also assesses the sustainability of this water consumption and formulate response strategies.