News and Articles

TERI sits on decision regarding dubious award to NHPC: Press release
An article on the objection to TERI Corporate Awards for Environmental Excellence given to NHPC Posted on 07 Oct, 2009 10:43 PM

The TERI Corporate Awards for Environmental Excellence is an Award given in recognition of corporate leadership efforts towards environmental management and sustainable initiatives. The objective is to encourage and provide momentum to innovative environmental initiatives. This year the award was given to National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Ltd (NHPC)in recognition for its contribution towards the environment. But a number of persons and organisations, including Senior Supreme Court lawyer Shri Prashant Bhushan (Ph: 09811164068) and a detailed study by South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers & People (SANDRP) a letter objecting the award to NHPC was sent to the jury of TERI.

Environmentalists your attention please: Environmental expert database, Kerala
The ENVIS Centre in the KSCSTE is preparing a database on environmental experts of Kerala. Posted on 07 Oct, 2009 08:26 PM

Image & Content Courtesy: ENVIS


The ENVIS Centre in the KSCSTE is preparing a database on environmental experts of Kerala. The primary goal of the Expert Database is to provide access to environmental expert information in order to help stakeholders solve environmental problems and participate in environmental issues. A secondary goal is to promote cross-sector networking and information exchange between environmental experts from other states.

To develop the Expert Database, Environmentalists who are from Kerala are requested to fill & Submit the form given below and/or forward the form to others.

Click here to fill online form.

Compilation of news- October 2009 (7, 8, 9,16, 24-29,)
A compilation of news update - October, 2009 Posted on 07 Oct, 2009 06:55 PM

Roundup of news - October 7, 2009

The Andhra Pradesh Government on Tuesday assured people that the flood threat, now mostly centered around the Prakasham barrage in Krishna district and Vijayawada, will improve in the next 24 hours.

CWC official pointed at neglect by the Andhra Government of repeated recommendation for flooding of Kurnool town:

A round-off of the U.S. climate legislation-Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act.
The United States of America gets to shape up their act with the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act. Posted on 07 Oct, 2009 12:07 AM

After months of playing hide and go seek, the world's biggest polluter finally got working to shape up their act with the Clea

News updates on the floods
News amalgamation
Posted on 06 Oct, 2009 05:46 PM

News updates from various media sources about the floods. You can also find up-to-date news updates on India Water Portal's news feed:


Mumbai Mirror:

WQIN - Water Quality Knowledge and Information Network
Information on a portal to improve acommunication, hoping to have an impact on the way water professionals, at all levels, collaborate Posted on 05 Oct, 2009 10:38 PM

WQIN LogoWQIN is a collaborative community for the purpose of exchanging Water Quality Knowledge.

National Environment Protection Authority (NEPA) - request for comments
An invite for comments from the States, civil society, and other stakeholders regarding the design of an appropriate institutional structure Posted on 05 Oct, 2009 08:35 PM

Image & Content Courtesy: Ministry Of Environment & Forests (MoEF) Government Of India

MoEF Gov of India

The challenge of environmental management and regulation is immense in a country as large and diverse as India. Over the years, legislation has evolved. With the enactment of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986, the various rules and notifications, and the National Environment Policy 2006, a credible legislative and policy base has been created. But there are gaps in the institutional mechanisms and implementation has not kept pace with the legislative and policy evolution.

To over come this problem Ministry Of Environment & Forests (MoEF) Government Of India, has put forward few plans to set up a National Environment Protection Authority (NEPA), which will be responsible for the creation of new policies, implementation of regulations and dispensation of justice in the environmental domain in India.

Ministry Of Environment & Forests (MoEF) Government Of India, has invited comments from the States, civil society, and other stakeholders regarding the design of an appropriate institutional structure for best addressing the growing environmental challenges.

Research papers on water - The Social Science Research Network
A set of research papers that cover topics such as water management reforms, water supply and sanitation projects, drinking water adequacy, reforms in water institutions and water privatisation Posted on 04 Oct, 2009 12:09 AM


Getting Things Done: Bureaucratic and Entrepreneurial Approaches to the Practice of Participatory Water Management Reforms in Brazil and India

State of the environment report - Tikamgarh district - Madhya Pradesh (2009)
A summary of the environmental attributes and condition of the district and the human impacts on the environment. Posted on 03 Oct, 2009 10:25 PM

This report on the state of the environment in Tikamgarh district, prepared by Development Alternatives, provides a summary of the environmental attributes and condition of the district and the human impacts on the environment. It also provides a public record of district authority, industry and community activities and achievements in responding to pressures on the environment. The purpose of this report is to bring out an overview of the environmental scenario of the district to serve as a baseline document and assist in logical and information based decision making.

Water resources in Jhansi and Tikamgarh districts (Madhya Pradesh) - A status report (2007)
A status report on the Bundelkhand region and information on sanitation practices Posted on 03 Oct, 2009 05:56 PM

This status report prepared by Development Alternatives contains brief background information about the Bundelkhand region, details about the physical profle (topography, drainage and river systems, land usage, climate, rainfall), water resources information (water demand, availability, supply and accessibility) and information on sanitation practices (toilets, personal  hygiene, solid waste management, liquid waste disposal, availability of water for sanitation).
