State of the environment report - Tikamgarh district - Madhya Pradesh (2009)

This report on the state of the environment in Tikamgarh district, prepared by Development Alternatives, provides a summary of the environmental attributes and condition of the district and the human impacts on the environment. It also provides a public record of district authority, industry and community activities and achievements in responding to pressures on the environment. The purpose of this report is to bring out an overview of the environmental scenario of the district to serve as a baseline document and assist in logical and information based decision making.

The report covers major environmental issues such as agriculture, forest, land degradation, water quantity/quality and loss of biodiversity. It has been prepared in a participatory process in consultation with all the key stakeholders (Government, Non-government organisations and Academic institutions). Section I of the report contains a profile of Tikamgarh district - a bio-physical profile, socio-economic and cultural patterns, governance structure and economic base. Section II contains details of the key environmental concerns of the district, under the broad themes of Land and Water.

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Post By: ashis