National Environment Protection Authority (NEPA) - request for comments

Image & Content Courtesy: Ministry Of Environment & Forests (MoEF) Government Of India

MoEF Gov of India

The challenge of environmental management and regulation is immense in a country as large and diverse as India. Over the years, legislation has evolved. With the enactment of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986, the various rules and notifications, and the National Environment Policy 2006, a credible legislative and policy base has been created. But there are gaps in the institutional mechanisms and implementation has not kept pace with the legislative and policy evolution.

To over come this problem Ministry Of Environment & Forests (MoEF) Government Of India, has put forward few plans to set up a National Environment Protection Authority (NEPA), which will be responsible for the creation of new policies, implementation of regulations and dispensation of justice in the environmental domain in India.

Ministry Of Environment & Forests (MoEF) Government Of India, has invited comments from the States, civil society, and other stakeholders regarding the design of an appropriate institutional structure for best addressing the growing environmental challenges.

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So if you wish to participate and provide online feedback to the ministry on the available options for a National Environment Protection Authority (NEPA) and  to create a mechanism that would be responsible for monitoring and compliance of environmental standards,

Please provide written comments to the following:

Mr Rajneesh Dube:

Mr Varad Pande:

Post By: iwp