News and Articles

Bharat Integrated Social Welfare Agency (BISWA) ,Orissa, organises Clean water for healthy world program
BISWA, Orissa organises a meeting for the Head Office based staff members on ‘Clean Water for Healthy World’ program. Posted on 01 Apr, 2010 12:27 PM

Bharat Integrated Social Welfare Agency (BISWA) is a social development agency based in Orissa and working across 14 other states through its integrated micro finance programme to extend women empowerment and social development objectives.

Proper planning needed for water conservation
Water is main source of life and the chief concern for the society is water conservation. Posted on 31 Mar, 2010 05:55 PM

Water is main source of life without water we cann't imagine the life of our's. The chief concern is that how we save water Although we have little but save more. Yes this is the issue which is now become an eminent part of our life. We are utilising less & wasting more. We have to search a new method of water saving.

India could lead the world by supporting a new global drinking water project
The H2O trust is serious about providing New Global Clean Drinking Water SVD project in which water will be manufactured in a sustainable way. Posted on 31 Mar, 2010 03:55 PM

We are very serious about providing a New Global Clean Drinking Water SVD project.                                                                                                                      

200 ft deep well needed for rain water storage so that it is used to recharge underground water pockets
The article is about the need for deep wells for rain water storage so that it can be used for groundwater recharge. Posted on 31 Mar, 2010 03:12 PM

Use of rain water to recharge quickly the deep under ground water pockets

Present problem:

  1. Due to urbanization, many a under ground water recharge/enrichment points have be closed/covered/blocked. So, % of water reaching the underground water pockets is reduced to a very great extent.
  2. Bore wells are dug at a very large number to satisfy the increasing demand for water. Therefore, level of underground water table is going down alarmingly.
  3. As  many the opportunities for the rain water to reach the underground level is blocked almost at all places, even with a little bit of rain, the water will run on the roads & cause artificial flood or water blocking at different points on roads or low laying areas of the Cities. Such floods are causing a lot of traffic jams/road mishaps.Rain water on the road is also damaging the durability of the TAR roads.
Using dried wells to enrich deep level under ground water pockets
This article is about recharging groundwater using dried open wells, where clean rain water is made to enter the well, subsequently flowing to the underground water packets. Posted on 31 Mar, 2010 02:45 PM

By using dried open wells, we can enrich the Underground water quickly.

In the good old days, open wells used to help the common man in fetching water for all purposes and specially the drinking water. Invasion of pump-sets and specially the deep bore wells have pulled the underground water indiscriminately. Therefore, the water table level of the underground water is continuously going down at a very alarming rate. This fall in the underground water table level has made many a very big and useful water wells dry up. Now they are not in use as people do depend on alternative source of water like bore well water or the tap water drawn from far off river water.

200 ft deep wells , in the corner of roads/parks , needed for rain water harvesting in cities
The article is about the need for 200ft deep wells in the corner of roads or parks, which help in harvesting rainwater and contribute to the urban water requirement. Posted on 31 Mar, 2010 11:51 AM


Water is an important and essential commodity to every one which is to be preserved.


New farm practice for rice crop : A Lok Sabha response
Minister of state in the ministry of agriculture ,Prof.K.V.Thomas, states the need for SRI cultivation of rice crops. Posted on 31 Mar, 2010 10:48 AM

New farm practice for rice crop a lok sabha response

Goverment of India

Ministry of Agriculture

Lok Sabha

Unstarred Question No 2961

Answered On 16.03.2010

New Farm Practice for Rice Crops 2961 .
J. Shantha

Will the Minister of Agriculture be pleased to state:-

  1. Whether a new farm practice has been developed in Karnataka to increase the productivity of land, water and other farm inputs in the cultivation of rice crops;
  2.  If so, the details thereof;
  3. Whether this practice has incorporated some innovative features over the conventional method of flooded rice cultivation;
  4. If so, the details thereof;
  5. Whether the existing problems like water scarcity high energy usage and environmental degradation would adequately be taken care of and crop yield increased substantially by this new farming practice; and
  6. If so, the details thereof?
Water owned by all and used by all
This blog seeks to introduce the idea of common pool resources, on which there is a whole new body of work coming up. Posted on 30 Mar, 2010 02:17 PM

This is cross posted from my blog (link). I wanted to introduce the idea of common pool resources, on which there is a whole new body of work coming up lately. This had won Elinor Ostrom the 2009 Nobel Prize. For water sector, I believe this theory can definitely yield some new insights. And it all starts with a question "Who owns the water?'

A broken down school in Givha, Saharsa district, Bihar, destroyed in the floods after the Kusaha breached in 2008
This article voices the agitation of the people of Saharsa District in Bihar for building an embankment on the Kosi River, which destroyed many people and property in the 2008 flood. Posted on 29 Mar, 2010 12:18 PM

When the foundation stone for the Kosi embankment was laid on January 14, 1955, near Nirmali in Saharsa district in Bihar, euphoric people shouted, Aadhi roti khayenge, Kosi bandh banayenge (we will eat only half a chapati but we will surely build the embankment), writes the prolific engineer and activist Dinesh Mishra in his book, “ Trapped! Between the Devil and the Deep Waters.” No one really paid any attention to the protests and the fears of the people who would live with these embankments and what would happen to their lives.

An innovative way of sharing diminishing groundwater introduced by APDAI
The villages of AP villagers share groundwater, a practice introduced by the World Bank’s pilot project - The Andhra Pradesh Drought Adaptation Initiative (APDAI). Posted on 27 Mar, 2010 12:55 PM

 “We no longer worry about the rains. We now have the confidence to grow alternative crops even if the monsoon fails,” said Balaraju, a farmer in one of the most drought-prone and economically vulnerable regions of Andhra Pradesh in southern India.