200 ft deep well needed for rain water storage so that it is used to recharge underground water pockets

Use of rain water to recharge quickly the deep under ground water pockets

Present problem:

  1. Due to urbanization, many a under ground water recharge/enrichment points have be closed/covered/blocked. So, % of water reaching the underground water pockets is reduced to a very great extent.
  2. Bore wells are dug at a very large number to satisfy the increasing demand for water. Therefore, level of underground water table is going down alarmingly.
  3. As  many the opportunities for the rain water to reach the underground level is blocked almost at all places, even with a little bit of rain, the water will run on the roads & cause artificial flood or water blocking at different points on roads or low laying areas of the Cities. Such floods are causing a lot of traffic jams/road mishaps.Rain water on the road is also damaging the durability of the TAR roads.

A Total Solution to the problem & the best use of Rain water resource.

Let us dig wells with a diameter of say 2 feet and a depth of say 200 feet depending on the type of soil/rock at  each such spot. Let such wells be at the corner of a FOOTPATH of a road where, at present water is getting blocked. Such wells can be dug at the corner of the parks also, where the water of the road can be diverted & the water can be made to recharge to the deep levels of the earth. Let such wells be supported by cement concrete rings from the bottom of the well to its mouth. Let such cement rings be provided with reasonably large openings with an intention to enable the earth at different levels of depth to absorb maximum quantity of rain water quickly and easily. Let the mouth of such ring wells be covered by strong grills to avoid any body falling in to it. [Even the cement concrete rings may be raised up to say 3 feet above ground level as a precaution to avoid anybody falling in to it.] Let such grills be coated with plastic coat [to avoid rusting of iron grills].Let such grills be fixed permanently to avoid theft of it.

This system will work on the simple logic narrated as follows.

Let us imagine that, rain starts coming. Rain water which otherwise used to block the roads will reach the grill covered well and naturally runs deep in to it. As the depth of the well is about 200 feet, a large quantity of water is made to go down & get stored in it. There by, the water block on the road will be reduced to a considerable extent.

As the rain water is reaching deep in to the earth, water will percolate in to the empty water pockets very quickly. Opportunity created in this well is to recharge the underground water not only at 200 ft. depth but also at higher levels by providing openings in the concrete rings of the well. Therefore, the speed of absorption of water at different level or depths of the well will be very high. Rain Water so enriched in to the deep ground level will further percolate faster to fill all the dried water pockets, [which are now dried by indiscriminate use of bore wells.]

By adopting this method, following benefits can be derived.

  1. The present problem of Roads being blocked on account of even small rain will very well be addressed. Thus, traffic movement will be less inconvenient & with lesser risk.
  2. As the rain water dose not get locked, damage of the TAR RAOD will be minimized, resulting in better use of resource.
  3. Very valuable rain water resource, which otherwise is being wasted & reaching the drainage will be made to reach deep in to the earth and  kept as deposit in the custody of mother earth for better utilization in the near future[summer].
  4. expenditure.In the usual course, a lot of time is required for the water to reach much deeper in to the earth. In this method, water is funneled deep in to the ground and made to be enriched quickly with out much supervision and
  5. As the water pockets inside the ground are dried up because of indiscriminate use of bore wells, this plan of recharging the deeper part of earths water pockets will give a faster solution.
  6. Recharging of water at deep ground level will increase the water table.


  • The power now being consumed to pull up the water will be reduced.
  • More of money to dig more of  deeper wells or deepening the dried wells can be saved.
  • More of rain water enriched/recharged to the underground will help in improving the quality of water and reduce the hardness of water. Softer water will help in many ways to save money,increase the comfort and help for better health to the common man.It helps the industries also in more than one way.

Possibility of bad/adverse effect of earth quick will be lesser if the underground water pockets are filled with water. Water in the underground water pockets will act as a cushion in case of earth quick where as the empty underground water pockets may collapse from inside resulting in greater loss on the surface.

Therefore, this multi beneficial civil work, quick,easy,less expensive & 100% result oriented suggestion/concept is to be taken up by the Govt /NGOs /Corporates.

Concept by; RAMESH B.M., Chief Manager, Karnataka Bank,
                  Regional Office, R.O.Chennai-600 001.
                 Email;bamara_1958@yahoo.com.   mob96000 95432.

Post By: ramesh b.m.