New farm practice for rice crop : A Lok Sabha response

New farm practice for rice crop a lok sabha response

Goverment of India

Ministry of Agriculture

Lok Sabha

Unstarred Question No 2961

Answered On 16.03.2010

New Farm Practice for Rice Crops 2961 .
J. Shantha

Will the Minister of Agriculture be pleased to state:-

  1. Whether a new farm practice has been developed in Karnataka to increase the productivity of land, water and other farm inputs in the cultivation of rice crops;
  2.  If so, the details thereof;
  3. Whether this practice has incorporated some innovative features over the conventional method of flooded rice cultivation;
  4. If so, the details thereof;
  5. Whether the existing problems like water scarcity high energy usage and environmental degradation would adequately be taken care of and crop yield increased substantially by this new farming practice; and
  6. If so, the details thereof?


Minister of state in the ministry of agriculture and minister of state in the ministry of consumer affairs, food and public distribution (Prof.K.V.Thomas)

(1) to (6): In order to increase the productivity of land, water and other farm inputs in cultivation of rice crops, a new farming practice - System of Rice Intensification (SRI) has been adopted in many States including Karnataka. This system of cultivation promotes resource conservation wherein use of low inputs such as seeds, water, fertilizers, as compared to conventional rice production system, is practiced. Seedlings are grown upto 10-12 days in the nurseries and are directly planted at prescribed distance. In this system of cultivation, use of conoweeders for weeding is practiced which also helps in better soil aeration and increased soil organic matter due to incorporation of weeds thereby producing more tillers and panicles. This system is reported to have increased the production of rice by 30-40%. Under Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Integrated Cereals Development Programme in Rice Based Cropping System Areas under Macro Management of Agriculture and National Food Security Mission, the technology of SRI is promoted in the selected States including Karnataka.

Post By: rajshekar