Information, Education and Communication Campaigns

The need for creating a River Act - Anupam Saraph
Dr Rajendra Singh has repeatedly pointed out to few of us working with him that India does not have a River Act. Posted on 28 Jan, 2011 06:30 PM

Rivers, streams and lakes are the vital link in the water cycle that ensure that life as we know it can continue to flourish on earth. Unfortunately, as Dr Rajendra Singh points out, there is no river in India that has been spared from encroachment and pollution. The massive Ganga Action Plan has failed to clean the Ganges.

Regenerating natural resources and rural livelihoods in rainfed areas of India: A civil society consultation by WASSAN to discuss priorities for the twelfth five year plan
civil society consultation was held on “Regenerating natural resources and rural livelihoods in rainfed areas of India” by WASSAN at Hyderabad in December 2010, defining broad contours of twelfth plan with a focus on rural livelihoods the thrust area being policy framework, funding support, institutional arrangements Posted on 26 Jan, 2011 09:13 PM

Rainfed AgricultureA civil society consultation was held on “Regenerating natural resources and rural livelihoods in rainfed areas of India” by WASSAN at Hyderabad in December 2010 to discuss priorities for the twelfth five year plan. The Planning Commission, Government of India has been steering the process of development in India by conceptualizing five year plans and had sought inputs from civil society organizations, activists groups, networks of CBOs / NGOs, donors and others for preparing an approach paper for twelfth plan.

The objective of the consultation workshop was to contribute to the process of defining broad contours of twelfth plan with a focus on rural livelihoods the thrust area being policy framework, funding support, institutional arrangements etc., by -

  • Consolidating the lessons from good practices in promoting and protecting rural livelihoods in the country, that could be integrated in twelfth five year plan.
  • Systematically articulating issues and concerns (bottlenecks) in promoting and protecting rural livelihoods, which could be addressed in the twelfth five year plan.

Flaws in CWC database on Athirappilly project over Chalakudy river, Kerala revealed through RTI by Chalakudy River Protection Forum
The attached RTI filed to the Central Water Commission (CWC) regarding the river flow data of the Chalakudy river, reveals flaws in the river flow database. Posted on 25 Jan, 2011 04:36 PM


Posters on water hygiene and sanitation in Assam
Project: Strengthening indigenous peoples response to multiple-use water services in villages near floodplain wetlands in Morigaon District, Assam Posted on 22 Jan, 2011 08:35 PM

Water Hygiene & Sanitation


Supported by: ARGHYAM

Compilation of 300 hands on field activities for community based adaptation
Center for Sustainable Development is pleased to announce a new compilation of Community Based Adaptation Field Activities. Posted on 20 Jan, 2011 01:42 PM


This collection of CBA field activities began as a resource for online CBA students. However, as it grew, we decided that it was important to make it more broadly available to CBA development practitioners worldwide. The activities are organized in the following framework.

The need for Scientific Ground Water Investigation Services Survey(SGWISS)
What is the need and use of Scientific Ground Water Investigation Services Survey to solve the problem of water ? Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:50 PM

How SGWISS could support the Rainwater Harvesting? 

The main source of sweet water is Rain, but the water available from the rain is not regular and uniformly spread throughout year. So the rainwater could be stored by any method in rain. When the rainwater is stored on the surface but there would not be sufficient capacities of structures developed for the rainwater harvesting. Little quantity of the rainwater is recharged in the subsurface and underground.

2010: The year of climate records
The year 2010 has witnessed a few climate records that has mounted evidence of climate change the world over. Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 11:35 PM

Article Courtesy: Cognizant Reflections
Author: Sangeeta Deogawanka

The year 2010 has witnessed a few climate records that has mounted evidence of climate change the world over.

  • It marked the end of the warmest decade since climate records were kept.
  • It has been one of the three warmest years recorded, since 1850.
December 2010 - January 2011: "Dams, Rivers and People" - The SANDRP newsletter
The SANDRP newsletter for continues its critical analysis of dams, irrigation and related issues Posted on 11 Jan, 2011 01:00 PM

South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and PeopleThe SANDRP newsletter for December 2010 - January 2011 continues its critical analysis of dams, irrigation and related issues:

  • Water Crisis in Ramsar Wetlands of India
  • India dodged UN to get climate credits?
Ministry of Environment and Forests Announces Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ), 2011 and Island Protection Zone, 2011 - PIB Release
Ministry of Environment and Forests announces Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ), 2011 and Island Protection Zone, 2011. Minister Jairam Ramesh makes the announcement in a press conference in New Delhi. Posted on 10 Jan, 2011 04:42 PM

Article Courtesy: Press Information Bureau

The Minister of State for Environment & Forests, Independent Charge Shri Jairam Ramesh today issued the following statement in a Press Conference in New Delhi. In the Press Conference, he announced Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification, 2011 and Island Protection Zone (IPZ) Notification, 2011.

Conservation of urban lakes as potential sources of freshwater - Paper presented at the National Seminar on Water and Culture (2007)
The paper is a case study of the management of ancient lakes and other water bodies in and around Hyderabad. Posted on 09 Jan, 2011 11:52 PM

The author sees the need for the conservation, maintenance and management of these ancient water bodies for the supply of water to cities. The author suggests that there is need to integrate traditional wisdom with modern water resource management.
