The need for creating a River Act - Anupam Saraph

Rivers, streams and lakes are the vital link in the water cycle that ensure that life as we know it can continue to flourish on earth. Unfortunately, as Dr Rajendra Singh points out, there is no river in India that has been spared from encroachment and pollution. The massive Ganga Action Plan has failed to clean the Ganges.

A few of us have been brainstorming what the River Act may look like. We thought why not experiment with widening the dialogue and have created pages here to contribute ideas to the Draft River Act. To help you contribute and set you thinking about it, we've put together a few sections that may exist in such an Act. Just click the edit button and add your thoughts to any section you wish, as many times as you wish. Make this an Act that you draft.

Click here to take a look at this River Act
