Books and Book Reviews

"Taral Darpane Samajer Mukh" by Joya Mitra – Bengali translation of Anupam Mishra's booklet "Tairne Wala Samaj Doob Raha Hai" on floods in Bihar
This is the Bengali translation of Anupam Mishra’s book “Tairne wala samaj doob raha hai” written in the context of the floods in the Kosi river in Bihar in 2004. Posted on 21 Jul, 2012 04:19 PM

cover page

 The second edition of the book came out in 2008 just after the devastating Bihar floods in the year when the river thundered down from the Himalayas on its way to the sea sweeping half of Bihar.

Handbook on scaling up solid and liquid waste management in rural areas by Water and Sanitation Program, World Bank
This handbook seeks to address the gap existing in the programmatic aspects of waste management in rural areas Posted on 16 Jul, 2012 02:41 PM

This handbook by Water and Sanitation Program, World Bank seeks to address the gap existing in the programmatic aspects of waste management in rural areas. It focuses on planning, institutional, community mobilization and financial dimensions of implementing waste management program.

Understanding the floods of Bihar - Book review of "Bagmati Ki Sadgati !"
This article presents a review of the book by Dr Dinesh Mishra that describes the origin and changing course of the river Bagmati and the recurrent problems of floods in the region Posted on 14 Jul, 2012 10:28 AM

Bagmati Ki Sadgati! by Dr. Dinesh MishraBagmati Ki Sadgati! by Dr.

Privatisation of water services in New Delhi : Myth and reality - Report by Water Privatisation - Commercialization Resistance Committee
This booklet argues that are attempts being made in India to privatise and commodify water, which is a retreat from our constitutional and economic duty and from our own human obligations Posted on 09 Jul, 2012 12:40 PM

Residents of Delhi have been protesting against privatisation of water atleast since 2005.

Tank irrigation in Karnataka: A historical survey
Tank irrigation in Karnataka, authored by GS Dikshit, GR Kuppuswamy, SK Mohan, and first published in 1993, provides a historical overview of this ancient method of water management. Posted on 24 Jan, 2012 06:12 AM

The book covers entire eras from the ancient to the current period. It also gives information about the structural, financial and institutional aspects of tank construction and management.

The full book is available for download on the India Water Portal. Please right-click on the cover page image of the book, and select 'Save link as', to download the full book.

Right-click this image, and select 'Save link as', to download the full book - Tank irrigation in Karnataka - A historical survey

Mangrove wetlands of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa - Atlas by MSSRF
These state-wise atlases on mangrove wetlands were prepared by the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) under the India-Canada Environment Facility supported project entitled “Coastal Wetlands: Mangrove Conservation and Management”. Posted on 16 Jul, 2011 04:00 PM


Save and grow - A policymaker’s guide to the sustainable intensification of smallholder crop production - FAO (2011)
This publication by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) titled “Save and Grow” is a guide for policymakers on the sustainable intensification of smallholder crop production. Save and grow says that while the Green Revolution led to a quantum leap in food production and bolstered world food security, intensive crop production has, in many countries, depleted agriculture’s natural resource base, jeopardizing future productivity. Posted on 14 Jul, 2011 12:48 PM


Indus Equation' report by Strategic Foresight Group - Provides clarifications on the water issues between India and Pakistan
Strategic Foresight Group, a political think tank based in Mumbai-India, has released a report called ‘Indus Equation’ that provides clarifications on the water issues between India and Pakistan.The Pakistani media is full of reports claiming India is encroaching on their water supply but a close examination of the facts reveals that the controversy over water is much ado about nothing and easily avoidable. Posted on 13 Jul, 2011 04:38 PM

Release of 'Indus Equation' report

New Book : "Coping with climate change: In the Asian context"
The Environmental and climatic issues varies from continent to continent and is unique to Asia. Understanding the issues does need lot of research and study material which students may not be able to gather due to shortage of time and resources. Hence an effort is made by authors gathering there experience and academic input from renowned universities of world. Posted on 13 Jul, 2011 04:33 PM

Coping with climate change: Principles and Asian contextAbout the book:

 Climate change is real and coping with it is major concern in coming days. Most of the books written and sold in the past need updating and customizing. The general description of climate change and world will not help the professionals and students. It needs to seen area wise as a professional will work in specific geographic area. Hence an effort is made to collect data from Asia which host most populated countries along with ecological hot spots.

Water - Asia's new battleground by Brahma Chellaney: A new book from the Georgetown University Press
Water stress is set to become Asia's defining crisis of the twenty-first century, creating obstacles to continued rapid economic growth, stoking interstate tensions over shared resources, exacerbating long-time territorial disputes, and imposing further hardships on the poor. Posted on 12 Jul, 2011 01:48 PM

Water - Asia's new battleground by Brahma Chellaney - A new book from the Georgetown University PressThe battles of yesterday were fought over land. Those of today are over energy. But the battles of tomorrow may be over water. Nowhere is that danger greater than in water-distressed Asia.
