Books and Book Reviews

"A village awaits doomsday" - Stories of displaced people who lose their home, hearth and land to "progress": A book by Jaideep Hardikar
This book strings together stories of people forced to part with their lands to make way for progress and development. Posted on 06 Mar, 2013 06:44 PM

A village awaits doomsday

Water in India: Situation and prospects: Book release by UNICEF, FAO and SaciWaters
New indices are needed to measure available water resources, says a report on the state of the water sector in India, entitled Water in India: Situation and Prospects by UNICEF, FAO and SaciWATERS. Posted on 26 Feb, 2013 06:13 PM

The report released at UNDP, New Delhi on February 14, 2013 attempts to consolidate the significant amounts of information available on water and sanitation in India and also aims to examine the key current challenges in the sector; both the threats and opportunities for the water sector in India.

Dr Aidan Cronin, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Specialist, UNICEF gives a sneak preview to the report

Video courtesy: UNICEF

Book review: Governing international watercourses by Susanne Schmeier
This article presents a review of the book 'Governing international watercourses' by Susanne Schmeier - a book that has been called 'a stunning piece of work' by Aaron T. Wolf. The author examines the river basin organisation as a key institution for managing international watercourses. The book follows a three-part structure of developing theory, refining it, and then discussing three case studies. By emphasizing that more trans-boundary events are focused on cooperation rather than on conflict- with a far smaller percentage being violent conflict - it carries a message of hope. Posted on 13 Feb, 2013 04:45 PM

This article presents a review of the book 'Governing international watercourses' by Susanne Schmeier - a book that has been called 'a stunning piece of work' by Aaron T. Wolf. The author examines the river basin organisation as a key institution for managing international watercourses. The book follows a three-part structure of developing theory, refining it, and then discussing three case studies. By emphasizing that more trans-boundary events are focused on cooperation rather than on conflict- with a far smaller percentage being violent conflict - it carries a message of hope.

‘Lets catch the rain’: A fun way to learn about water harvesting
An innovative and fun way to learn more on saving rainwater Posted on 16 Jan, 2013 02:11 PM

Lets catch the rain


Studying climate change in India- A book review in Economic and Political Weekly
This article in Economic and Political Weekly is a review of the edited book Handbook of Climate Change and India: Development, Politics and Governance by Navroz Dubash. Posted on 12 Jan, 2013 10:44 PM

This article in Economic and Political Weekly is a review of the edited book Handbook of Climate Change and India: Development, Politics and Governance by Navroz Dubash. The author of the article states that the book is an important addition to the body of knowledge on the subject of climate change. The articles in the book are written from diverse view points by authors who are activists, researchers, diplomats, policymakers, and politicians.

Transformation of a landscape from a desert to replenished watershed in Kaluchi Thakarwadi, Maharashtra- Special edition on "Combating desertification" by Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) India
The sprawling economic development and constant consumption of land resources in an unsustainable manner has come with a big price- degradation of land. The major causes for this can be attributed to industrial pollution, over grazing by animals, deforestation and careless management of forests and it rich and diverse resources and excessive mining. The impact is severe on ecologically fragile and dryland areas which often drives small farmers out from agriculture. Posted on 08 Jan, 2013 09:21 PM

Collective marketing by poor farmers improve their livelihoods by increasing their income levels-Special edition on "Farmers Organisations" by Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) India
What are the real world problems faced by farmers holding small lands? It can vary from issues such as the costs and benefits of production choices made by farmers, method of practising agriculture, access to credit facilities, awareness about various government schemes and the support extended by them during the time of natural disasters. Making a deeper analysis to these issues will reveal the hidden problem of poverty among these farmers. It also epitomises the challenges faced by small farmers. Posted on 02 Jan, 2013 08:58 PM

Powerless by choice: Updates from the Eco - Earth Care Optimised magazine's January 2013 issue
Powerless by choice: Updates from the Eco - Earth Care Optimised magazine's January 2013 issue Posted on 01 Jan, 2013 05:54 PM

Powerless by choice

Survey of the environment 2012 - A publication by The Hindu
This report published by The Hindu focuses on the issues related to the environment, nature, conservation and biodiversity and includes contributions from leading experts who talk about a variety of issues ranging from medicinal plants to shrinking wetlands, the threats to coastal ecosystems, the mining crisis, the dying rivers of India and threats due to urbanisation Posted on 31 Dec, 2012 09:59 AM

The report includes the following articles under separate sections:

The section on biodiversity includes four articles:

The risks of increased water efficiency requirements: The carbon disclosure project global water report 2012
This article presents the 2012 report of the CDP water disclosure project initiated by global financial institutions. The project sought to help industries identify water related risks and ideally, work cooperatively to address them. Posted on 31 Dec, 2012 08:30 AM

Cover of the CDP water disclosure report
