Handbook on scaling up solid and liquid waste management in rural areas by Water and Sanitation Program, World Bank

This handbook by Water and Sanitation Program, World Bank seeks to address the gap existing in the programmatic aspects of waste management in rural areas. It focuses on planning, institutional, community mobilization and financial dimensions of implementing waste management program. This handbook is meant for program managers and implementers working in rural sanitation at district and sub-district levels. The key themes in rural waste management are illustrated through cartoons. Further the handbook illustrates examples from different regions of India to elaborate on different aspects of waste management.

The handbook is divided into seven sections:

The first section provides basic understanding of common terms used in waste management, the need to have safe disposal of waste, classification of waste.

Second section provides an overview of issues related to waste management and how it fits into the framework of Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) and Nirmal Gram Puraskar. Precisely it spells out the provisions and principles in TSC that deals with waste management.

Third section is on approach to planning, which sheds light on goals of waste management, units of planning, importance of phasing and the criteria that can be used to select pilot gram panchayats where it can be implemented.

Fourth section serves as a guide map on institutional arrangements for planning and implementing waste management program in rural areas.

Fifth section is on community mobilisation that focuses on scaling up participatory approach to waste management.

Sixth section points at the available technological options that can be adopted while selecting an option to manage grey water.

The final section is on financing, incentives and monitoring. It talks about the sources of funding for capital and operational costs and also sheds light on how solid and liquid waste management can be monitored at district and gram panchayat level.

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